Wednesday, November 16, 2005


UK INDEPENDENT: President Jacques Chirac's response to almost three weeks of urban riots in France was widely criticised yesterday as belated, timid and confused. Even in his own centre-right political "family" the President's 13-minute television and radio address to the nation was damned with faint praise. His Interior Minister, and detested political rival, Nicolas Sarkozy, went even further. In an outspoken speech to the National Assembly, he implicitly blamed M. Chirac, and the whole of the French political system, for allowing economic and social problems to pile up over 30 years, not just in the poor suburbs, but in France as a whole.

Sarkozy isn't an ideologue; he simply KNOWS that the Anlgo-American model WORKS BETTER. If elected he will be to France what Thatcher was to the UK, and what Reagan was to the USA: He will save France from the stagnation, impotence, futility and malaise of socialism and anti-Hayekianism.

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