Thursday, November 17, 2005


There's apparently a "Revival of Isolationism Among Americans." GEE: I WONDER WHY!? NYTIMES:

Americans are turning inward, according to a Pew survey of United States opinion leaders and the general public.

The survey, conducted this fall and released today, found a revival of isolationist feelings among the public similar to the sentiment that followed the Vietnam War in the 1970's and the end of the Cold War in the 1990's. But at the same time, the survey showed, Americans are feeling less unilateralist than in the past, appearing to indicate a desire for a more modest foreign policy.

Forty-two percent of Americans think that the United States should "mind its own business internationally and let other countries get along the best they can on their own," according to the survey, which was conducted by the Pew Research Center in association with the Council on Foreign Relations. That is an increase of 12 percentage points since a poll taken in December 2002, before the American -led invasion of Iraq; at that time only 30 percent of Americans said the country should mind its own business internationally. ...

In its analysis of the results, Pew said the Iraq war and continuing terrorism had "dramatically affected the way opinion leaders and the public look at potential threats from other countries." ... Regarding prospects for Iraq, a majority of opinion leaders believe that the United States will fail to establish a stable democracy, while the general public was more optimistic, with 56 percent expecting success. ... Full poll results and analysis are available at

The increase in negative feelings about engaging the world - and leading the world - is a DIRECT RESULT of the attacks made by the DEM/LEFT on Bush and the negative coverage of Iraq by the MSM. If people knew that the war was going better, that opur policies and tactics and strategies were working, and that our alliances are in good order, then they would NOT feel as negatively.

OF COURSE: This was the EXACT goal of the DEM/LEFT and the MSM; it's exactly what they did to get the USG to abandon the SVG in 1975, leading to the Fall of Saigon, the largest airlift in human history, 1.5 MILLION Vietnamese refugees fleeing as Boat People, 3 MILLION Cambodians murdered by Pol Pot, and the fact that 65 MILLION Vietnamese have been forced to live under tyranny and in poverty for the last 30 years.

The Vienamese know they were wrong; they are BEGGING the USA for investment - investment they COULD HAVE HAD 40 YEARS AGO WITHOUT A FIGHT! But the Amercian Left still cannot admit they were wrong about Vietnam and that they are wrong about Iraq for the very same reasons.

If America withdraws into an isolationist shell, then the enemy will win. That's why the enemy is rooting for the Democrats! The DEM/LEFT doesn't care. MORE HERE AND HERE AND HERE AND HERE.

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