Friday, November 11, 2005


CUANAS nabbed a very VERY REVEALING article from YAHOO. It reveals how absolutely EFFED UP the families of the islamothugs in the Parisian banlieues are. Here's an excerpt:
"France is a democratic country. It gives rights to women and children," said Abderrahman Bouhout, director of the Bilal Mosque in Clichy-Sous-Bois. "Now parents cannot do anything — if they hit their 12-year-old, police will come to their door. There's a hot line the kids can call to report parental abuse." Children have "too much freedom," complained Abdelhalim Salah, 68, arguing that government policy has undermined parents. Sabrine, a 41-year-old mother of four who came from Tunisia 20 years ago, said police shouldn't blame parents for failing to stop the violence. "We cannot bring up our kids the way we want, to teach them Islam," said Sabrine, adding that France encourages children to choose how they want to practice religion.
They regret not being able TO HIT their children, and not being able to get them deeper into Islam. Well I say, if they don't like freakin democracy, then why don't they freakin move to Saudi Arabia - where they freakin belong!!? (Or do they think Chirac will repeal democracy!? ) People like this don't belong in the West, let alone France! RTWT.


  1. I think Chiraq has already, largely, repealed Democracy.

    Jeez, you should of quoted my commentary.


  2. Hey, thanks for the link, by the way.

    Check this out. I didn't read the whole article, because I was too disgusted with it, to tell you the truth. But, Charles, over at LGF, did. And, he found another little, uh, nugget:

    "Parallels may be drawn between the immigrant children of France and Palestinian youth revolting against Israeli occupation."

    So, the writer is saying that France is occupying the Muslims of France.

    How blatant.
