Monday, November 28, 2005


The European Union's top justice official has warned that any EU state found to have hosted a secret CIA jail could have its voting rights suspended. Franco Frattini said the consequences would be "extremely serious" if reports of such prisons turned out to be true. This comes amid an EU investigation into claims the US secret service ran clandestine jails in eastern Europe. In the case of Romania, a senior Euro MP has questioned whether its accession to the EU should go ahead as planned. The US has refused to confirm or deny the reports of secret jails, which surfaced in the US earlier this month.

This is further proof that the LEAKER of this info (someone at the CIA) and the PUBLISHER of the leak (Dana Priest and the Wash Post) - and the EU - are anti-American and anti-Victory. Of course, they just think they're anti-Bush, and think they know better than everyone else what's really in our national interest and the interest of the Free World.

The sad fact is: the ONLY people aided by the leak (and by threats such as this one) are the islamofascists. Which makes the leakers TRAITORS, and the EU(SSR) an ally of our enemy. The leakers and this EU clown are so anti-Bush that they'd rather help the enemy than help Bush defeat the enemy. Funny: Almost all of them - EVERYWHERE- are on the Left. Hmm...

More coverage HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.

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