Thursday, November 10, 2005


The Left everywhere always seems to aid the enemy. NYTIMES:
A trade union leader won a surprise victory over Shimon Peres in an election for leader of the Labor Party, party officials announced early on Thursday. The development greatly increases the possibility that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's coalition government could collapse.

Amir Peretz, the union leader and a member of Parliament who pulled off the upset in the internal Labor Party election, said during the campaign that he would withdraw the party from Mr. Sharon's coalition. ... Mr. Peres, who is Israel's deputy prime minister, favored remaining in the government for now. He led Labor into Mr. Sharon's coalition earlier this year, and the party supported the Gaza withdrawal, taking the place of right-wing members who quit or were fired.

In contrast, Mr. Peretz, 53, built his campaign around economic issues. Israel's economy has been growing at around 4 percent for the past two years, but Mr. Peretz has argued that poor and working-class Israelis have seen few benefits. ... Mr. Peretz made his name as leader of the Histadrut, the country's largest labor federation. Members hold frequent strikes and are often in conflict with management in various industries. He wants Israel to return to its socialist roots, while Mr. Sharon has moved toward a market-oriented economy.
TYPICAL: the socialists put statism and nationalizing industry ahead of national security. That's why the Left is a virtual FIFTH COLUMN - EVEN IN ISRAEL! Scum.

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