Thursday, November 24, 2005


We give thanks to the Lord.
We remember those who went before us.
We endeavor to honor their sacrifices by remebering them,
and rededicating ourselves to eternal values for which they strived.

And we also remember why those first Americans came here - for religious freedom. And we remember how they struggled to subsist when they were subjugated to the Commons, and we remember how they thrived and produced a bounty when each person's individual talents and energies were liberated.

After all, God made us free to choose, and wants each of us - and all of us - to be liberated, and responsible for making the most of our time on Earth.

We also remember that America was a colony peopled with immigrants - the cast-offs of other nations. And we know that from this colony of immigrants came the richest and most powerful nation of all time. Because it always had an abiding reverence for God, and has always revered the sanctity of each person.

As long as we remember these things, and endeavor to make them more true every year, then we shall always have great and good things to be thankful for. Amen.

God Bless Our Troops - and the troops of our allies. And, God Bless America.

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