Thursday, November 17, 2005


General Decries Call For Timetable in a 'Disaster,' -- A top American commander in Iraq on Wednesday denounced calls by some U.S. senators and others to set a deadline for a troop withdrawal, calling it "a recipe for disaster" for the 2 1/2 -year-old war. "Setting a date would mean that the 221 soldiers I've lost this year, that their lives will have been lost in vain," said Army Maj. Gen. William Webster, whose 3rd Infantry Division is responsible for security in three-fourths of Iraq's capital. Making up the bulk of Task Force Baghdad, the 3rd Infantry patrols some of the most dangerous turf in Iraq, encountering massive bombs and suicide assaults in attacks that Webster said average 35 a day in the city.
Every MILITARY peson I have ever read or heard has said the same thing. SO WHY DO THE DEMS PERSIST?! Because the Dems have been taken over by the McGovernites, and they would do to Iraq (and Afghanistan) what they did to the South Vietnamese and the Contras: abandon them to tyrants. The Dem/Left has ALWAYS supported tyrants - as long as they "give" their enslaved and impoverished subjects HEALTH CARE!

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