Saturday, November 19, 2005


Just as I predicted on September 25th, Syria is mobilizing its jihadoterrorists comrades in an effort to widen the confict and divert focus from hmself and his murderous regime; KHALEEJ TIMES:
GAZA CITY - Thousands of Palestinians rallied in the centre of Gaza City on Friday to voice solidarity with Syria’s beleaguered government, in a demonstration organised by the radical Islamic Jihad movement. The protestors packed into the streets around the Gaza City seat of the Palestinian parliament following the main weekly Muslim prayers, chanting slogans urging the regime in Damascus to “resist American pressure”. “These protestors have came to show their support for our brothers in Syria and their indignation at the arrogant American policy of blackmail,” Nafez Azzam, one of the main leaders of Jihad, told the crowd. He urged all Arabs and Muslims to “face up to the American offensive against our region as the fall of Damascus will herald the fall of Beirut, Cairo and Riyadh.” Amid cries of “Death to America and “Death to Israel”, the protestors burned the two countries’ flags.
Coordinated with this effort (IMHO), Iran is arming Hiz b'Allah to the teeth. These events soldify my view that Zarqawi, and Iran and Syria and their jihadoterorist comrades in Gaza and the West Bank and in Lebanon - and in the Sunni areas of Iraq - will make every effort to foment an Arab-Israeli War in order to save their own skins. I expect MORE attacks like the ones we saw in Jordan, and rocket and/ormissile launches into israel - to provoke a response, and escalation which can lead to war.

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