Thursday, November 17, 2005


YAHOO/"Reuters" (hat tip CUANAS):

PARIS (Reuters) - Urban violence in France fell to normal levels on Thursday after three weeks of rioting in run-down suburbs, allowing the government to begin mapping out plans to tackle the problems that sparked the unrest. Ninety-eight vehicles were set ablaze during the night, a sharp drop from the peak of the violence when 1,400 vehicles were torched in one night on November 6 by youths who say they are excluded from mainstream French society. "The situation has returned to normal because about 100 vehicles are set on fire each night in France," a police spokesman said.
S.N.A.F.U. AND I MEAN: A.F.U.! This tacit acceptance of routine terror, and the laissez faire attitude toward the encroaching conquest by islamomfacsists is why I feel that France is almost certainly through, unless they elect Sarkozy, and unless he manages to do what Merkel appears currently powerless to do in Germany, that is: radically change the French model and transform it by using the Hayekian model which Thatcher and Reagan used to save the UK and the USA.

And even THAT might not be enough: without a resurgence of interest in their own faith - Roman Catholicism, and without an increase in their birth-rates, France might cease to be French anyhow. On this front the role of Pope Benedict can not be over-estimated. And to date, HE HAS DONE BUPKUS! I'm very disappointed in him.

1 comment:

  1. You know, it's funny you should bring up Pope Benedict. I just picked up one of his books last night and resumed reading it. And, then, I got to thinking, where the hell is this guy? He started out so well, and then just disappeared. I wonder if he's sick. Or, maybe, the anti-Semites in the Vatican have tied him up and won't let him out.
