Tuesday, November 15, 2005


[Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr] Mottaki said that he held fruitful negotiations with Syrian president and foreign minister. "It was a good opportunity to discuss the latest events in the region and focus on bilateral relations." He said that he conveyed brotherly message from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Syrian president and acknowledged national resolve to develop relations with Syria. ... Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said here on Monday that Iran and Syria share common views on Iraqi problems. ... "The other subject which was examined was US suspicious provocations in the region. The US is exploiting every event to further its interventionist goals," Mottaki said. Support for the illegitimate and expansionist goals of the Zionist regime has formed the focal point of US diplomacy in the Middle East, he said.

It always comes down to the JEWS for these folks! SHEESH! Seriously, I have a feeling that they were discussing two other things: (a) fleshing out their mutual defense pact; and (b) determining if and when Assad and his murderous regime might leave Syria and flee to Iran. And the impending confrontation between the USA and the UN and the murderous Assad regime could go either way, as of now: a hot war - either begun by Syria to divert the attack on him, or begun by Iraqi soldiers pursuing infiltrating jihaidoterrorists back into Syria; or a war avoided by a voluntary exile by Assad & CO.

ASIDE: France - UP UNTIL NOW - has been a stout ally of the USA, on this front. WILL THE PARIS INTIFADA COOL THEIR EFFORTS? WAS THIS A MOTIVE BEHIND THE RIOTS, TO INTIMIDATE CHIRAC? I predict that if Assad is still in power by Spring - and IF he is still causing trouble for us in Iraq, that we will attempt to bring him down by UNSCR. If we cannot get a really tough UNSCR - because France or Russia threatens a VETO, then the Iraqis will make a defensive incursion into Syria which will lead to a full scale campaign - and forced regime change -- UNLESS Syria's generals stage a successful, last-minute coup, (followed by a promise of election in 2007). STAY TUNED!


  1. Two things to note:

    First, the IRNA article says that Assad met with the Foreign Minister. Syria is both an ally and a neighbor. When the President of Canada (an ally and neighbor of the U.S.) comes here, he meets with Bush, not Rice.

    Isn't that strange, and perhaps, indicative of the fact that even Ahmadinejad knows Assad is a goner?

    Second, about your idea that the riots in France may have had the internationalist purpose of intimidating France into not supporting the American pressure on Assad:

    Well, would that mean the Jihad is worldwide and coordinated.

    I think, I haven't been understanding you, and you, maybe, haven't been understanding me.

    I understand that various factions (Imams, gangs, Jihadis) are working their magic in France, but my point has always been that the initial riot was coordinated from the outside, and that much of the motivation for it's continuance is it's internationalist goals.

    Do you disagree with that?

    I haven't understood your position on this issue.

    P.S. Thanks for your congratulations over at my site.

  2. there is definitely coordination within the french intifada.

    some direct oversight/support from overseas is possible.
    maybe likely.
