Monday, November 28, 2005


"Dozens of war protesters packed up their tents and left their campsite in a field near President Bush's ranch Sunday, vowing to return during Easter for a third vigil if U.S. troops are still in Iraq. The weeklong protest, which coincided with Bush's Thanksgiving holiday visit to his ranch, drew about 200 people."
Weeklong TOTAL = 200 people. Today's finale = dozens. Wow: Some anti-war movement! This here little PRO-WAR blog you're reading got 100 times more traffic that in the same period.

MORE IMPORTANTLY: MORE IRAQIS WERE INJURED AND KILLED DEFENDING THEIR FLEDGLING DEMOCRACY DURING THE SAME PERIOD. God Bless Them All. They were patriots; Cindy and her gang of morale-busting enemy-appeasing anti-Semites are not.

1 comment:

  1. The weather will be so much better at Easter. It would be a shame for the protestors to get chilled as they undercut our valiant military.
