Sunday, October 30, 2005


NYTIMES: Security Council diplomats worked out final details on Sunday on a tough resolution against Syria, an action that will forcefully step up international pressure on the country's embattled president, Bashar al-Assad, and deepen his government's struggle to ward off increasing isolation. ... Security Council members troubled by some provisions of the resolution have not disagreed about the need to send Syria a stern message about its responsibility to cooperate with the investigation. That includes Algeria, the council's lone Arab member. "There is a unanimous feeling within the Council that there must be greater cooperation from the Syrians," Richard A. Grenell, the spokesman for John R. Bolton, the United States ambassador, said Sunday. Mr. Grenell declined to be specific about the anticipated outcome of the Monday vote, but he said that nothing had occurred during the weekend to alter optimistic statements on Friday night from Mr. Bolton. Predicting that the measure already had the nine votes needed for passage, Mr. Bolton said, "I don't foresee a veto." ... Casting the American vote on Monday will be Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the leader of the American diplomatic campaign to isolate Syria. She is joining foreign ministers from the other Security Council states in the higher-level "ministerial" meeting of the panel that the resolution's sponsors requested to give it added force.

It WILL NOT be the toughest measure conceivable; it will be the toughest possible AT THIS POINT IN TIME, and it will enable us to tighten the noose. BRAVO CONDI! And.... stay tuned...

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