Saturday, October 29, 2005


This is attributable to what I'll dub "The Bush Effect": BBC:
The UN Security Council has issued a statement condemning Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over his call for Israel to be "wiped off the map". It follows similar criticism by several countries and a rare rebuke from United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan. Israel had called for the UN session, and welcomed the unanimous statement. President Ahmadinejad however stood by his remarks, dismissing the criticism as invalid at an anti-Israel rally in the Iranian capital, Tehran. The UN statement said: "The Security Council condemns the remarks about Israel attributed to Mr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of the Islamic republic of Iran." Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat has distanced the Palestinian leadership from the Iranian position. "What we need to be talking about is adding the state of Palestine to the map and not wiping Israel from the map," he told the BBC News website. Egypt said Mr Ahmadinejad's outburst "showed the weakness of the Iranian government" while Turkey urged the president "to display political moderation". Meanwhile, the Vatican expressed "great concern" about the "particularly grave and unacceptable comments denying the right to existence of Israel".
If the UNSCR continues to show this kind of moral clarity, then they will become a useful ally of the Free World in WW4 rather than what they have been - a tool of the enemy and their appeasers. BRAVO!

***UPDATE: BBC: Iran acccepts rebuke as Foreign Ministry rescinds and explains the Iranian president's genocidal comments: "Iran says it has no intention to attack Israel despite a call by its president to have it "wiped off the map". Iran's foreign ministry said Tehran respected the UN charter and had never used or threatened to use force.

Until thee is regime change in Iran all sane observer must assume the president was truthful but stupid: he should have never PUBLICALLY announced what their REAL policy is.


  1. I agree, the Iranian President was truthful, but stupid. However, I don't think there is even a possibility the UNSC is going to become a useful ally in WWIV. This resolution was produced because they simply had no other choice. I don't believe they really condemn Ahmadinejad's comments. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if, as they are signing the paper, they have diplomats behind closed doors telling Iran that they don't really mean it.

  2. I agree, the Iranian President was truthful, but stupid. However, I don't think there is even a possibility the UNSC is going to become a useful ally in WWIV. This resolution was produced because they simply had no other choice. I don't believe they really condemn Ahmadinejad's comments. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if, as they are signing the paper, they have diplomats behind closed doors telling Iran that they don't really mean it.

  3. (1) diplomacy = talking nice to a mean dog until you have a rock in your hand
    (2) good diplomacy can FOCRE the UNSC to do what they must (based on the UN charter) and failing that consigning themselves - AND THE PWER THEY DERIVE FROM VETOES - to oblivion. just as GWB did in the lead up to UNSCR#1441.
    ALSO (3) the Detlev Mehlis report - in accordance with the UNSCR is very VERY uselful. as will be a UNSCR denading that the Syrtians turn over ALL suspects - or have the suspects face personal sanctions.

    in sunmmary: gwb & bolton will wroing out of the UNSC and the UNGA and the UNSG every lastb bit of usefullness, and then - if the UN fails to live up to its purpose/charter - GWB and bolton will consign the Un to the dustheap of history along --- where it will join communism.

    at that point we can all say good riddance with a clear conscience.

  4. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Bush effect? Please explain what you think this is and how you think the UNSC's condemnation is attributable to it.
