Wednesday, October 26, 2005


BBC: Israel regards Iran as "a clear and present danger", Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom has said. His comments came after the Islamic republic's hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for the Jewish state to be "wiped off the map". Ahmadinejad warned Muslim leaders not to recognise Israel. Ahmadinejad warned leaders of Muslim nations who recognised the state of Israel that they "face the wrath of their own people". He added: "Anyone who signs a treaty which recognises the entity of Israel means he has signed the surrender of the Muslim world."

When one nation states that another nation is a "clear and PRESENT danger" that nation is officially putting the threatening nation on notice that their threat is recognized and will be dealt with at any time and in any manner the threatened nation chooses. The clock is ticking on Iran. On Assad, too (no matter how what Putin says or does).

Assad is ou first target - he could fall in a month or so - unless he succeeds in fomenting a regional conflict. Once Assad is gone, then Iran's nuclear program could be neutralized - perhaps as early as next summer. In which case it will be a very hot summer. the enemy knows this. So, between now and then the enemy will try to pin us down in Iraq - make it hard for us to deploy/redploy assets to Syria and/or Iran. And they will step up attacks against Israel. Rather than slug it out with them in a war of attrition, I suggest we kill the enemy at their roots: by moving any and all assets we need to in order to take down Assad and neutralize Iran's nuke assets (and its military assets, too). When these poisonous roots are dead, then the leaves will drop and the limbs wither - all over the Middle East.

BTW: Israel is buying 500 "bunker-buster" bombs from the US that could be used to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities.

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