Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Assad supports the jihadist control of the Sunni land on the Iraqi side of the Syrian-Iraqi border because this turns it into a BUFER AREA for him. That's why we GAIN TWICE when we take down the jiahdists and take over the border area. As we are doing now.

Expect this to be complete on or around 10/25/05, when the UN/DetlevMehlis investigation on the Hariri Assassination will be presented to the UNSC.

The report will directly implicate Assad, and he may even be indicted for murder. Sanctions will be imposed on Syria, and (if he's indicted) if Assad fails to turn himself into the ICC in The Hague, expect military action by the US against the Syrian forces just over the Iraq-Syria border, and expect the US and the UK - and YES FRANCE - to foment a military coup inside of Syria. Assad will likely attempt to start a war with Israel to deflect attention. A successful coup againsty Assad will mip this war in the bud, and end Syrian support for the jihadists in Iraq and also in Lebanon. As a result, the entire region is helped.

And it will clear the way to put maximum pressure on Iran - which was the ultimate game-plan as soon as the Taliban fell in 2001. Iraq was just a table setter. Stay tuned...

(More HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE - a MUST read in the IHT.)


  1. Thanks for pointing out that article in the IHT. However, as informative as I found it, it seems to me Volker Perthes is a man who is holding onto the last remnants of Realpolitik with every bit of strength he can muster.

    He says that we should not challenge Syrian nationalism by forcing a regime change, the way we did in Iraq.

    Screw that.

    Volker Perthes would have opposed forcing a forced regime change in Nazi Germany.

    I'm so sick of these Euro-realpolitik-jerkoffs. I wish they'd all go back to the 20th century and die there.

    If we have to take Assad out, we ought to do it. This whole notion of respecting Arab nationalism and Arab pride is a bunch of racist appeasement. If what they are doing with their nations is dangerous to the world, and if they refuse to change, then they ought to be taken out, even if war is the only way to do it.

    If I am not mistaken, it was a Syrian TV network which produced the 21-part miniseries based on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Does that sound like a nation of people whose "pride" ought to be respected?

    For God's sake, end it.

  2. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I'm a neocon. I like to be spanked and slapped about.
