Monday, October 24, 2005


Howeird Dean is at it again: The Bush White House is the most corrupt administration in U.S. history since President Warren G. Harding's, said Howard Dean during his first visit to Maine as chairman of the Democratic National Committee. ... "I'm tired of the ayatollahs of the right wing," Dean said.

WELL: Is it true? Is the Bush Adminstration "corrupt?" Is it the "most corrupt in history?" Is it even more corrupt than Clinton's? NO. Not by a mile. To date, there has not been a single indictment of ANY Bush Administration member. By comparison:
"According to our best information, [A] 40 government officials were indicted or convicted in the wake of Watergate [NIXON]. [B] ... there was a total of 31 Reagan era convictions, including 14 because of Iran-Contra and 16 in the Department of Housing & Urban Development scandal. [C]47 individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine were convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes with 33 of these occurring during the Clinton administration itself. There were in addition 61 indictments or misdemeanor charges. [AND] 14 persons were imprisoned." [Including Web Hubbell - crony. And don't forget Jimmy Carter crony Bert Lance and BCCI!] UPDATE: (for Clintonistas) - do the names Cisneros and Espy ring a bell? If not, then GOOGLE them!
THEREFORE: Even IF Fitzgerald indicts a few adminstration officials, it will STILL mean that George W. Bush has run the cleanest adminstration in HALF A CENTURY!

UPDATE: Welcome DAILY PUNDIT readers and Blogs For Bush readers!


  1. Anonymous1:01 PM

    47 individuals and businesses associated with the Clinton machine were convicted of or pleaded guilty to crimes with 33 of these occurring during the Clinton administration itself.

    So you're comparing Bush administration officials to people "associated" with the "Clinton machine".

    Pretty transparent and sad. How many of these associates were administration officials? And have you done a count of "Bush machine" convictions and pleas using the same definition of "associate"? I'm sure it's a very tight definition...

  2. u r a s--mbag.
    espy and cisneros were cabinet officials - INDICTED. as was hubbell.

    and web hubbell was a dep att gen.


    dems da fax sh--head. read'em an' weep.

    now f--koff!

  3. Anonymous11:17 AM

    So now the score is 2 indictments to zero among baniet and subcabinet officials. Thanks for clearing that up. I guess for now you're limiting the group to cabinet and subcabinet officials... that should help you until the end of the week, but you may have to move the goalposts again after Fitzgerald concludes his investigation.

    Your new standard does disqualify Bush's chief procurement officer, David Safavian, who was indicted last month. It also disqualifies the GOP Majority Leader, who was indicted last month. It also disqualifies James Tobin, Bush's former campaign leader in New England and a RNC regional director, who was indicted in December 2004. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    To use your own charmingly misspelled and dash-filled vernacular, "Dems da fax, douch-bag."

  4. your are scum, anonymous-baby!

    (1) savafian was NOT a memeber od the Bush Adm when he was indicted, and he was NOT indicted for anyhting he did while he was a member of the Admin.

    (2) neither frist or delay are mebers of the admin.

    (3) THREE clinton biggies were indicted and convicted. two SECRETARIES and a dep AG. THAT IS HUGE CORRUPTION BABY!

    Bush has had NO ONE indicted - as in zilch nada zippo bupkus niente riens. ZERO.

    is that too hard for your teeeeeeny weeeeeny leftist brain to cpomprehend!?>!?

    so: when dean says this is the most corrupt admin in US history he is JUST EFFING WRONG.

    totally effing wrong. wrong.

    those are the facts.


  5. Anonymous5:40 PM

    That's your response? Really?? How amusing. You're willing to engage in blissful ignorance of the GOP/Bush indictments because now all of a sudden you're only interested in cabinet and sub-cabinet officials. It's childish, but it's your blog so you should feel free to change your standards as you go.

    You've already backpedaled furiously from the mysterious "Clinton machine" standard that you initially used. Now you're refusing to do a similar evaluation for Bush (gosh, I can't imagine why) and instead simlpy dropping your count from 61 "machine" indictments down to two. Or three. Apparently an Associate AG convicted for actions prior to his work as as AG counts in your tally. At least you've admitted that the count is 3-0, and I guess we'll have to just wait and see the final score after Bush's terms are completed.

  6. you are a freakydeaky jerk. my standard was that the BUSH ADMINISTRATION is less corrupt than the CLINTON ADMINSTARTION., that's the post's freakydeaky title you moonbatmoron!

    no backpedalling your freakydeaky moonbatmoron!

    just facts.

    ZERO BUSH INDICTMENTS versus several Clinton ones, and three convioctions of cabinet members. other got away by the skinoftheirteeth, like oleary and herman. and that bernie lawyer fella.

    by any OBJECTIVE measure, the Bush Administrationn is the cleanest since fdr.


    and espy and cisneros and hubbell were WHOPPERS.

    hubbell was a very VERY high ranking CRONY as well as a crook.

    clintoin surrounded himself with crooks for a decade before he was prez, and while he was prez.

    BTW: i am a registered de, have been sionce 1974. i am a zell miller dem. there used to be a lot of us.

    now the party is dominated by schmucks like you.


  7. Anonymous8:45 AM

    To be fair, Espy was was acquitted on all 39 counts of corruption.

    What is not mentioned is the selling of the Lincoln bedroom and military secrets to China. Not to mention everything from Travelgate to Monicagate.

    A "Culture" is something that runs through everyday life. Like in the Clinton White House.

  8. indictments are just that. convictions are another matter. my post spoke of clinton administraton indictments.

    so today, exactly one member of the bush admn has been indicted on 5 counts related to an investigation for which the central crime ewas NOT commited: a violation of the I.I.P.A.

    comapred to the previous five presidents - of BOTH parties - this is the CLEANEST admin, not the most corrupt, as dean charged.

    that is simple enough for lefties to understand, i hope.

  9. Anonymous7:19 AM

    You absolute MORONS who believe the Bush admin. is not corrupt. And by the way you say no member of Bush's administration have been indicted, what about I. Lewis Libby. Then we have a contrived war using false intel and if that aint corrupt what about the 9 billion dollars in reconstruction money that just vanished into thin air. If they ain't corrupt they sure as hell are stupid. You neo-cons are all the same corrupt and brainless.
