Monday, September 26, 2005


The two worstest hurricanes in a long long LONG time were named Katrina and Rita. INITIALS: "K" and "R." Which just happen to be the initials of evilsmirkingchimp BusHitler's puppet master, KKKarl Rove. A COINCIDENCE? Need more proof? What are the odds that hurricanes initialed L-Q would NOT be important or deadly? Far-fetched satire? Not for people who can believe that the Bush Crime family was behind 9/11 - as MANY on the loony Left do believe - many of them, in fact, were marching in DC this weekend with posters that said just that! THE FACT THAT SO MANY LEFTISTS DO BELIEVE IN NUTTY THEORIES LIKE THIS (or that Rove and Bush invaded Iraq just so that they could win the 2002 mid-term elections, or just for the oil, and so on) ISN'T SURPRISING: Leftism is an utterly discredited and irrational and dysfunctional ideology which has failed everywhere and everytime it has ever been put into practice. People who still promote LEFTISM are NUTS.