Friday, September 23, 2005


So far both President Bush and Senator Santorum have publicly expressed outrage over the blatanat acts of genopcidal desecration in Gaza this week.

TWO CONSERVATIVES - the leader of the GOP and a GOP leader of the US Senate.

THE ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY - "the legacy party" for American Jewry - has been SILENT.

WHAT'S WORSE: GOOGLENEWS has NOT ONE story about either Bush's condemnation of the desecrations or about Santorum's. FOR THE MSM, THE DESECRATIONS DON'T MATTER - and neither does the fact that ONLY GOP conservatives have condemned them. The MSM has no shame.

Here's part of what Santorum said ON THE FLOOR OF THE SENATE:

"... I come to the floor today to describe and to deplore the desecration of synagogues that wasperpetrated earlier this week in Gaza. After painful deliberations in Israel's Cabinet, the government of Israel decided to leave standing nineteen synagogues in its twenty-one communitiesthroughout the Gaza Strip rather than lending a hand to their destruction. Despite official Israeli requests to protect the sanctity and security of the holy sites after it courageously withdrew from Gaza, the Palestinian Authority rejected out of hand any responsibility and refused to protect the structures from arsonists and looters. In fact, a Palestinian police officer, tasked with keeping the peace, shirked his responsibility and allowed the mobs to torch the synagogues, claiming, "The people have a right to do what they're doing.'' Those acts should offend all people of good conscience. ... All Americans of good will, of all faiths, ethnicities and nationalities feelsuch pain. I commend and join President Bush who yesterday condemned thedesecration of the synagogues in Gaza and hope that all Members of this great body do the same.

Here's what Bush had to say:

"... we mourn the passing of a great hero for freedom, Simon Wiesenthal. Simon Wiesenthal was a survivor and a witness, who served -- who seared the horror of the Holocaust in the collective memory of the world. He's one of these leaders that refused to back down. He spoke with clarity. He insisted that we remember the lessons of the crime. He insisted that we remember that hatred prepares the way for violence, and the failure to expose and confront intolerance can lead to atrocities beyond imagining. As we saw in the recent desecration of the synagogues in Gaza, the ancient hatred of anti-Semitism still burns in the hearts of men. And the best way we can honor Simon Wiesenthal's memory is to expose and confront anti-Semitism wherever it is found. By condemning this hatred at home and abroad, we stand with the victims of the Shoah and declare to the world: Never again. "

I think that what American Jews ought to say about VOTING for a Democrat is "NEVER AGAIN!"


  1. Unfortunately our Jewish brothers and sisters are doing the same thing that is described in the opening chapters of Elie Wiesel's Night. They are ignoring an impending threat, staring them in the face, indeed, shouting, "We want to kill you."

    No, they couldn't really mean it.

    They do mean it. The only thing that is different is the Jihadis are not as organized and efficient as Hitler and his men.

    Well, the thing is, a nuclear bomb doesn't take a whole lot of organization. And we know what Iran says they will do with one of those:

    Europe didn't put an end to their policy of ridding their world of Jews. They're just letting the Muslims do it for them. That way they don't have to get their hands dirty this time.

    Uhgh, am I ranting?

  2. This is funny, I read this post which was fantastic as usual, I have become a Reliapundit fan, and then I'm thinking, this guy commenting is pretty inteligent. Then I see it's Pastorius, I'm a CUANAS fan too...

    The Fu2rman
