Wednesday, September 07, 2005


"Former Palestinian security chief Moussa Arafat has been shot dead in Gaza, police and doctors say. A cousin of the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, he had survived at least two earlier attempts on his life. Moussa Arafat, 65, was a founder of the ruling Fatah movement, whose Revolutionary Council was due to meet later on Wednesday. ... Police said that Arafat was dragged from his house and killed on the street outside. ... His eldest son, Nimhel, a senior Palestinian security official, was either kidnapped or escaped, according to police at the scene quoted by the Associated Press news agency. ... As chief of military intelligence in the 1990s, Moussa Arafat earned a reputation for ruthlessness, including a 1996 crackdown on Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants, when he shaved the heads and beards of detainees as a form of humiliation."
Er... um, let's give them a state!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Jewish racism at it best, keep it up , you might get a luxury home in some occupied territory in the West Bank.
