Friday, August 26, 2005


Kos - that Left-wing slimeball nutcase idiotarian scumsuckipiece of sheiss - tried to argue that BLUE states were sacrificing more in Iraq than Red states - (AS IF RED vs. BLUE were relevant to our jihaodterrorist enemies in the GWOT!) - and he argued this by posting a map which seemed to show that BLUE states were "filled" with little dots for each combat death in Iraq, and RED states were less filled (or that CLUSTERS of dots were in BLUE CITIES. Nevermind that many BLUE states are smaller than RED states (so FEWER dots would fill them up); nevermind that cities are more demnsley populated than rural counties so OF COURSE (if casualties are spread out over the WHOLE nation's population, the cities will APPEAR to have denser clusters of dots.

THE RESULTS? Simple: RED STATES SACRIFICE MORE. Of course, anyone with an ounce of intutiton could have predicted that. HOW? Well, where do you think more Marines and Airmen and Soliders and Seaman come from: THE UPPER WEST SIDE OR MISSISSPPI?! BERKLEY OR MONTANA?! The answer is obvious; the anti-war counties - and I mean anti-Vietnam War and the Granada Invasion, anti-Gulf War - (heck, these guys were even for unliateral disarmament in the Cold War!) - counties like Manhattan (where I live!) - do NOT contribute as many people to our national defense or our armed forces than people in Red counties.

PROOF IS HERE. Click over and look at his stats. Here's my summary analysis:

Of the top ten 80% are RED. Of the states which have had MORE THAN 1/100,000 , 80% are RED. Of the BOTTOM 75% are BLUE STATES, ALL WITH TWO DEMOCRAT SENATORS.

WHAT DOES ALL THIS PROVE? Well, that Kos got this exactly WRONG. Which is typical. Of Kos and the Left. They are wrong ALL THE TIME. They are never right. And it also proves that Red staters are not hypocrites or chickenhawks.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Lets just say that the Kos accusation was true. Wouldn't it be fair taking into account the way that Kos thinks that Blue States contribute more troops to the war effort since most of the terror targets are located in Blue states.... New York City, Washington, DC, Seattle, LA... These are all located in blue states.

    Since they were bitching that blue states pay more in taxes but get less back. Only fair that they contibute more to the war effort since they benefit more by us fighting it. Maybe we call it even.
