Tuesday, August 23, 2005


So what about John Kerry's record on releasing documents. He is now out front calling for a release of documents "in their entirety" for that period of John Roberts' professional life. Mr. Kerry, the presidential candidate, promised on Meet the Press in April of 2004 to release his full military file, including medical records. He said they were available already to anyone who wanted to come to his office. But the next day, when a reporter took him up on his offer, he was turned away. Later on, the Kerry campaign did release a few hundred pages of documents and posted them on their website. But it was only May of this year that Mr. Kerry finally signed the privacy-waiver form, and it only initially released the documents to the Boston Globe, a very friendly paper whose star reporter, Michael Kranish, is also one of Mr. Kerry's biographers. The documents were released in June to the Los Angeles Times and the Associated Press, along with the Globe. A couple of reporters, independent journalist Thomas Lipscomb and Josh Gersten of the New York Sun, have stayed on this story, trying to make the records available for everyone to examine, as Kerry had promised. Some bloggers and the Swift Boat Veterans continue to question the terms and timing of Kerry's discharge, why his medals and decorations were reissued in 1985, and the records on his battlefield encounters.

The hypocrisy of the Left knows no bounds. It's why they supported regime change against Saddam while there was a DEMOCRAT in office, but not while there's a conservative in office. And why decades of one-party control of the Congress and the White House was hunkie-dorrie when it was held by the Dems. And why they thought it was fine for Democrat presidents to speak about God, but not Bush - and why it was fine for MLK Jr. to use his profound faith to inspire political change, but not any conservative preachers. And why they actually made it tougher for the minority to fillibuster while they were the majority party, yet argue against ANY changes now that they're the minority. It's also why they can demand using what are essentially quotas to "end" racial discrimination!

The Democrat Party - like all Leftist parties has only one principle, and is - in the final analysis - only really concerned with and focused on concentrating power in their hands and then using that power to pick winners and losers. NOT TO WORRY: This Leftist program has always ended up reducing liberty and prosperity, and therefore it has always ended in political failure. Remember, Carter and Gorbachev and Mao were "defeated" by Teng and Rao and Reagan and Thatcher. Tyrants - big and small - always will be, too. Thank God!


  1. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Mostly what Kerry's actions prove is that he is a pathetic politician. His military records included statements from people supporting the swift boat ads that showed they thought he was doing a good job at the time, so releasing them would have helped him gain support. He claimed that the reason he didn't release the records last year was that he didn't want to appear to have been bullied into it.

    I don't understand why people support Roberts hiding information about his past actions. How can anyone expect the Senate to make an informed decision without information? The supreme court is too important to ask the Senate to make a decision based on rumors.


  2. hi james, thanks for popping in and commenting.

    i think it's fascinating that libs - (like you, i presume - since you defend uber lib and slanderer of the usa military kerry) - defend the right to privacy when it comes to lawyers like lynn stewart (who was convicted of aiding jihadoterrorists) and of a woman's right to privacy so she can murder her fetus,

    but a lawyer working for the commander in chief is NOT entitled to ANY privacy. not even his lawyer-client priveldge privacy. which is codified in the federal law, (unlike journalists who only get priveldge in 48 state courts).

    this all proves that the liberal position on this is unpricipled and hypocritical.

    you may agree with kerry but that just makes you a hypocrite.

    robers ALREADY was given a LIFETIME job on the second highest federal court BY THIS SENATE!

    if he can sit on the dc circuit he can sit on the scotus. as long as a majority support him.

  3. Anonymous7:00 PM

    "The hypocrisy of the Left knows no bounds"

    Nice generalization. Please stop trotting out extreme statements such as these instead of actually decribing and discussing the reality of the situation. The world is not black and white, my son.

  4. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I'm not sure who Lynn Stewart is and I don't see how it could be relevant to this discussion anyway.

    John Roberts was working for the United States Government, not the President, when he was solicitor general. That includes the Senate. So, no, he does not have any privacy in his work. The memos he wrote in service of the US government should be given to the US government so that it can make an informed decision. There is a lot of speculation going on now about what Roberts said and wrote. Releasing the memos would allow the speculation to be replaced with facts. Why would anyone want the Senate to make a decision based on speculation when they could instead make a decision based on facts?

