Friday, August 19, 2005


Frontpage/Frank Gaffney:
One year ago, prisoners at the New Folsom State Prison – a maximum-security facility outside Sacramento, California – reportedly began plotting terrorist attacks against three National Guard facilities, the Israeli consulate and several synagogues in the Los Angeles area. The attacks are believed to have been planned for the fourth anniversary of September 11th or the Jewish holidays. According to ABC News, a law enforcement report has determined that the plotters intended “to kill everyone at the target[s],” potentially resulting in dozens of casualties inflicted on innocents as part of the jihad (holy war) the prisoners were determined to wage against the United States. The frightening thing is that the would-be assailants were not terrorist adherents to the political ideology of Islamofascism when they went to jail. They became Islamists while in prison – thanks to the sort of recruitment opportunities afforded clerics usually selected by Saudi-backed Muslim-American organizations.
Did FDR let NAZIS recruit spies in USA prisons during WW2!? I think not. We should BAN all Muslim clerics from ALL our prisons for the duration of the war. RTWT.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:02 AM


    Please keep up the spiffy work and show us further details!!

    Truly yours,
