Saturday, August 20, 2005


Al Qaeda Loves Our Unpatriotic Media by Cliff Kincaid (hat tip LGF):
...the New York Times, CBS, and other news organizations have joined with the ACLU in demanding that the Pentagon release more sensational photos and videos of Iraqi prisoner abuse. The inevitable result of such disclosure, according to General Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is that Islamic terrorists will exploit the material and kill Americans. Do our media care?Our media will rally around a reporter who goes to jail to protect her sources. But when the Pentagon tries to keep potential propaganda material from falling into the hands of the enemy, the media are in court with the ACLU against the Pentagon. ... “It is probable that Al-Qaeda and other groups will seize upon these images and videos as grist for their propaganda mill which will result in, besides violent attacks, increased terrorist recruitment, continued financial support, and exacerbation of tensions between the Iraqi and Afghani populaces and U.S. and Coalition forces.” ... Actually, it won’t just be Al Qaeda. Our own media will endlessly exploit the photographs.
To folks who think the media is being objective, Charles of LGF poses an absolutely BRILLIANT question: "Suppose Western media really was deliberately trying to subvert democracy and aid terrorism. How would the coverage differ?"

The answer is obvious: the coverage wouldn't differ, at all. The fact is that most the MSM is - for all intents and purposes - just like al Jazeera: an ally of our enemy.

BTW: there was a time in this country when sensitive stuff, like these photos, was kept locked up for decades (until their release became less problematic) - and the media didn't whine about it then, either!

1 comment:

  1. good points. both. thanks.
    'nother one: re-enlistment is higher than ever for troops whio have actually served there - and they what it REALLY like.

    they're into the mission, and they say it's going okay.

    BTW: i met the proud pop of a one of the rare fair freelance journalists who has been there for a year, come back and is now going to return.

    he says it's goping great there, too.

    i think a freelancer can say this becasue he wasn't recruited into his media outlet by a Leftie, and his advance thru the ranks of the profession doesn't depend on brown-nosing Leftie bosses.

    IOW: the MSM is like the academy - an essentially closed/cloistered community dominated by Lefties.

    reality alsways has a way of coming thru - eventually - as long as the Ameriocan public isn't swept up into their lying traitorous propaganda.

    thanks for popping by and commenting.
