Monday, August 01, 2005


A perfect little essay from Santiago at Red State (hat tip DISSECTING LEFTISM); EXCERPT:

The Democrats do not have philosophies, they have constituencies. And the Democrats and their constituencies are coming apart at the seams. ...

The Democratic "platform" has several odious components. Primarily, the Democrats are totally lacking on ideas on governance. They are unwilling or incapable of stating the simplest political position. Of the many important problems facing the nation, the Republicans are left to carry on alone: Social Security, foreign affairs, War for Democracy, reform of the UN. You name it, and try to find a coherent Democratic position on any of these matters. No such position can be found; no such position exists. In place of considered policies on governance, the Democrats have adopted an unrelieved negative position on all political questions. For example, Social Security is a known problem area, and has been for years; President Clinton was warning about the need to address SS problems a decade ago.

Today, Democrats largely deny that any problem exists, and if they are willing to talk about Social Security at all, they want to raise taxes (of course!) In addition to being extremely negative, Democrats are dishonest in talking about political positions. Some of the Democrat dishonesty is farcical; Bush is stupid, Bush is a liar.

Beyond that, the Democrats have adopted three dubious propositions, elevated them to iconic status, and repeat them endlessly, long after they have been utterly disproven.

RTWT! NOW! The essay depicts why -- unless centrist adults re-take the Democrat Party from the deluded anachronistic Left -- the Party will disappear.

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