Sunday, August 21, 2005


The Left has been hysterically warning about the horrors of right-wing extremism for years. They are ALWAYS wrong. Here are a few EXAMPLES:
5 - The Patriot Act destoys the Bill of Rights - which is what BusHitler/AshKKKrofft want.
11 - Bush is an idiot-smirking-chimp who follows orders from puppetmaster Rove or the House of Saud or the Likud - SIMULTANEOUSLY.
I could go on and on and ON, but LET'S ARBITRARILY STOP AT A BAKER'S DOZEN!

All of these "predictions" - or "analyses" if you will - were WRONG!

What makes Leftists so prone to outrageously negative predictions!?

I think it's because of two things. FIRST: When the Wall fell and the USSR collapsed their left0wing utopianist illusion collapsed, and that is just too effin' hard to accept; it's easier to say (hope and pray!) that the West will collapse too, and to belive that after THAT collapse, that Leftism/progressivism will enjoy a renaissance. SECOND: Leftists have ALWAYS been prone to occult or esoteric thinking. Marx said look beneath the surface and behind what people SAY they're motivated by and follow the money; he argued that EVERYTHING was really about ECONOMICS - that behind and beneath every action was MONEY, and to understand the conflict between people throughout history that you had to understand Marxism. Freud - another favorite of the Left - said EVERYTHING was sexual; he argued that the true secret motivation to everything - lurking behind and beneath everything - was SEX! An absolutely unintelligible esoteric combination of Marx and freud was done by - WHO ELSE - a Frenchman, Jacques Lacan. The fact that he is popular in France says everything you need to know about him and the French academy!

Today, people say that BUSH LIED when he said the war was about national security or democracy or WMD - because beneath and behind all that rhetoric: "it was really about OIL." And the across-the-board tax cuts were REALLY for the rich. And when the GOP says they want to promote a color-blind meritocracy, what they REALLY want is to promote racism. And that beneath and behind their intelligent exteriors, Powell and Rice are REALLY "house-slaves" or "black tyrants".

You get the picture. The Left is deep in denial, and they find safe haven in esoteric conspiracy theories and occult explanations to explain why things have always turned out so so so VERY very differently than how they were told it was all gonna turn out by their Leftist teachers.

BOTTOM-LINE: The RIGHT was right, after all. And as a former Leftist - raised by one-time card-carrying members of Soviet directed cells - all I can tell my Leftist former friends: "Come, join the right-side of the political spectrum; you'll find the experience very liberating." Pun intended.


  1. Here's another leftest lie!

    "Shiite and Kurdish militias, often operating as part of Iraqi government security forces, have carried out a wave of abductions, assassinations and other acts of intimidation, consolidating their control over territory across northern and southern Iraq and deepening the country's divide along ethnic and sectarian lines, according to political leaders, families of the victims, human rights activists and Iraqi officials."

    Iraq is becoming a model of Liberal Democracy. The Bush administration says it, and I believe it!

    Democratic Senators, like Chuck Hagel, who received two Purple Hearts and other military honors for his service in Vietnam, (yeah, him and John Kerry)recently reiterated his position that the United States needs to develop a strategy to leave Iraq!

    This left-wing Democrat scoffed at the idea that U.S. troops could be in Iraq four years from now at levels above 100,000, a contingency for which the Pentagon is preparing.

    He said that the U.S. involvement in Iraq has destabilized the Middle East!

    And these left wingers have been harping in a similar vein since before the war!

    Just look at what this leftest McPeak said before the war!

    Gen. Merrill 'Tony' McPeak Air Force Chief of Staff, 1990-94

    "We have a force in Iraq that's much too small to stabilize the situation. It's about half the size, or maybe even a third, of what we need. As a consequence, the insurgency seems to be gathering momentum. We are losing people at a fairly steady rate of about two a day; wounded, about four or five times that, and perhaps half of these wounds are very serious. And we are also sustaining gunshot wounds, when, before, we'd mostly been seeing massive trauma from remotely detonated charges. This means the other side is standing and fighting in a way that describes a more dangerous phase of the conflict."

    "The people in control in the Pentagon and the White House live in a fantasy world. They actually thought everyone would just line up and vote for a new democracy and you would have a sort of Denmark with oil. I blame Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the people behind him -- Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Undersecretary Douglas Feith. The vice president himself should probably be included; certainly his wife. These so-called neocons: These people have no real experience in life. They are utopian thinkers, idealists, very smart, and they have the courage of their convictions, so it makes them doubly dangerous."

    There were other leftest too! Brent Scocroft, General Zinney and more!

    All will have egg on their face when Dubya is is proven right after all!

  2. g.d. -
    in typical leftist fashgion youe ignore every point i made and every link i offered and instead spew out knee-jerk disinformation.
    you and mcpeak are as wrong now as rwapple was in 2001 and the whole left was during th reagan era.

  3. Anonymous4:09 PM


  4. nyg and kyleman: ever notice how these lefties always latch oto ANY bad news!? and the lefties running the msm always poll gwb and the gwot on days when there are bad casualties. then they wonderwhy they get higher negatives. jerks.

    but history has shown that the Right is always correct on most things. i think - as a former leftie raised by hardcore lefties - that the Right is right because their priciples are right, and the left wrong because their marxist principles are all wrong.

    if marx was right then m,ao woulda made china great - but he didnpt. tend did - by introducing capiatlism.

    leftism is the road to servitude to the state and poverty; IOW: serfdom! (as hayek wrote.)

    you can;t make good policy based on bad priciples. the elft despoilede th world and made people poorer and less free. just look at the ussr. and when the left counters by saying "well the ussr was NOT TRUE marixism, they are as disingenuous as isalmists who say the binladenism is noit true islam.

    we know that binaldenists/qutbists/salafists are LITERALISTS. which means they are interpreting the quran LITERALLY. which means the words in the quran tell them to do what they do. therefore, binaldenists are true islam. at least to themselves.

    and the ussr and maoist china and pol pot's camobodia were ALL true leftism. as is fidel's poor tyrannized cuba.

