Tuesday, August 16, 2005


THE ANCHORESS linked to and commented on an article in NEWSDAY about the books Bush is reading on his sumer vacation. Quite astutely, she observed that most of the "intellectuals" interviewed for the story were shocked at the books, and what they say about Bush. Her insights are RIGHT-ON; CHECK'EM OUT!

I can only add this observation: most people confuse loquacity with intelligence. Bush isn't loquacious; people who overvalue loquacity think this means Bush is dumb. But if loquacity really was an important characteristic, then we'd elect USED-CAR SALESMEN president - guys who could sweet-talk you into believing they're GREAT and have trustworthy characters, and that the LEMON you're looking at is AWESOME!

A president like that might talk pretty, but as president he'd get us into a heap of trouble and leave behind a mess.

I guess that explains the Clinton Era.

UPDATE - 8/17: BETSY has insights, too. As ever...

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