Saturday, July 16, 2005


What has Ward Churchil - the anti-American, plagiarizing, fake Native American "professor" - said about the attacks on London? Has he called the victims of 7/7 "Little Eichmanns"? Has he said that they deserved the attacks, that the attacks were "the chickens coming home to roost"?

Come to think of it, what has Ward Churchill said about the 800 Buddhist Thais who have been murdered by Jihadists in Thailand, THIS YEAR (many of whom were BEHEADED)? Does he think that those victims "Little Eichmanns, too?

And what did Ward Churchill say about the 24 children in Iraq who were blown up as they got candy? Does he think that they were very Little Eichmanns, too? Does Ward Churchill think that the Hindus slaughtered at Ayodhya were Little Eichmanns? Does Ward Churchill think that the Shias and Sufis murdered by Jiahdists were Little Eichmanns? Has he called the Filpinos murdered by Jihadists in the Philppines Little Eichmanns, yet?

Leftists like Ward Churchill - who apologize for terrorists (when they are not outright rooting for them) - defy logic and reason and morality, and they ignore the facts. The primary fact (which they CHOOSE to ignore) is that we are in the midst of a GLOBAL JIHAD - one THE ENEMY declared on us by Jihadists who want to re-establish the Caliphate under Wahhabist sharia, and who will convert or murder anyone and everyone who gets in their way - if they can.

EXCEPT for strategic and tactical reasons, the USA is no more important a target to the Jihadists than the Buddhas of Bamiyan. The Jihadists have proven - OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN - that they will commit genocide against anyone and everyone they consider infidels, AND WARD BABY, (no matter how much hateful and illogical anti-American and anti-Semitic BS you utter), that includes you and your Leftist comrades!

The Jihadists are genocidal scum whose sect is nothing more than a death cult. The Leftists who apologize for them - like Ward Churchill - are immoral and illogical scum who let their hatred of America blind them to the truth - even though it's in the papers EVERYDAY! These Leftists are not a loyal opposition because they are not loyal. They're a fifth column. They might as well be the enemy.


  1. Ward Churchill is ONE of the enemy as far as I am concerned, from what I have read he is no different than the Jiahdist and he aught to be arrested!

    There are a bunch of Liberal nuts loose that seem to be full of hate.
    Makes one really wonder....

  2. Anonymous11:12 AM

    What was the Le Monde headline a day or two after the 9/11 attacks--WE ARE ALL AMERICANS? Perhaps that headline was more prophetic than the Le Monde editor realized.

  3. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Ward churchill won't touch these, because he can't shoehorn them into the "Evil American Capitalist Imperialist Racist" meme.
