Tuesday, July 26, 2005


(1) Hat tip VIKINGPUNDIT: “Why should we tolerate these Islamofascists who hate us all?” by Julie Burchill, in the London Times. EXCERPT:
What we have learnt recently is that diversity is not just to be celebrated mindlessly, but also navigated and negotiated. We, the host community, have accepted multiculturalism; the issue now is whether hardline — and I stress hardline — Muslims can do the same. To my eyes at least, “live and let live” seems to be a concept they have a problem with; until they can grasp it, as the Sikhs and Hindus have (who have at least as strong and rich a culture, but feel no need to burn books, form parliaments, set up separatist schools and kill their fellow Britons to demonstrate this), the jury is still out on whether hardline Muslims can truly live happily in non-Muslim countries. And, after all, they have 56 — count ’em! — of their own to go to if they don’t like it. They are spoilt for choice. Or will they not be happy until every last country in the world is composed of veiled women, bearded men and dead infidels, of all creeds and colours?
(2) Jeff Jacoby writes about recent intelligence weaknesses, and their implications; he asks on which side it is better to err on - acting preemptively or acting too late. EXCERPT:
If intelligence failures are inevitable — and in a world of human fallibility, they are — we are better off worrying too much about our enemies and taking steps to defeat them than worrying too little and being caught, unready, when they attack. Worrying too much led the United States and Britain to topple a brutal tyrant. Worrying too little led to 9/11 and 7/7.

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