Sunday, July 17, 2005


BBC: "Pakistan says it is placing its madrassas, or Islamic religious schools, under closer scrutiny. ... Pakistan's Interior Minister Aftab Khan Sherpao told the BBC in an interview that far closer scrutiny would be paid to madrassas espousing extremist lines of thinking. ... Mr Shapal said the government would take action against any madrassa which preached jihad or indoctrinated young minds."

These words are of course welcome; (though one wonders why they haven't been doing this already?! Didn't they know there's a WAR on, and that MOST of the Jihadists have gotten their training in their neck of the woods?!).

I wish that Bush would FINALLY make it ABSOLUTELY clear to the Pakistanis that they'd better keep the madrassas from espousing Jihadist propaganda, or we will bomb any madrassas from which any known terrorists were once trained. And I think we should be sending this message to ALL the other nations with madrassas. "Watch them, purge those who incite Jihadist terror, OR ELSE!"

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Yeah, you would think that 2 assassination attempts on Musharaff would have clued them in.
