Saturday, July 09, 2005



Early reports quoting US intelligence officials suggested that at least two of the tube blasts - probably the first, at Aldgate, and the last, at Edgware Road - were caused by bombs placed on the floor of the trains and triggered by timing devices. ... Police have been taking statements from survivors of the bus bombing who say they saw an "anxious looking" passenger rummaging inside a bag at his feet shortly before the blast. While detectives are attempting to establish whether the bus bomb, which was placed on either the floor or a seat, was detonated by a suicide bomber, they will not discount the possibility that it exploded prematurely. "It may have been a bomb that went off in transit," Sir Ian Blair, commissioner of the Metropolitan police, said. ...

A single terrorist would have been able to place bombs on both of the Circle line trains and, by doubling back or by alighting and walking to stations just a few hundred yards apart, place a third bomb on the Piccadilly line train. He or she could then have boarded the No 30 bus, where the final device exploded 56 minutes after the first tube blast. ... "We have absolutely nothing to suggest this was a suicide bombing attack, al though nothing at this stage to rule that out," he said. Speaking of the bus bomb, he added: "We can't rule it out. It may have been that [a suicide attack], it may have been a bomb that was left on the seat, it may also have been a bomb that went off in transit."

Among the bus blast survivors who have given a statement to police is Richard Jones, 61, who described spening three minutes standing next to a passenger who was handling something in his bag. "He was standing next to me with the bag at his feet and he kept dipping into this bag and fiddling about with something," said Mr Jones, an IT consultant from Binfield, near Bracknell, Berkshire. "I was getting quite annoyed because this was a crowded bus. You can imagine the crush - it was standing room only. Everybody is standing face to face, and this guy kept dipping into his bag." Mr Jones got off the bus because it was stuck in traffic, and seconds later the bomb exploded, killing 13 people.
COMMENTARY: The police will soon determine if the explosive was homemade and whether there were any suiciders. From this they may be able to ID the perp's and then trackdown his - or her - cohorts, and bring down that particular cell. But does this really matter? Are these crime scenes or battlefields? Did Churchill send the police in to examine the rubble everytime a V2 blew up a building in London during WW2? No , Churchill didn't; he didn't have to; he knew who the enemy was - and where he lived.

WW4 is different; it's ASYMMETRICAL, and our enemy is a decentralized, ideologically driven fanatical organization. And it's much harder to counter-attack against a secretive transnational organization than it is a rogue nation. That's why I think we need to be more ruthless in our counter-attacks, and broaden them out: we should make the mosques and the nations that give the terrorists safe haven and support SUFFER.

HOW? We (the USA and the EU) should start by (1) deporting non-naturalized Muslims and then (2) by closing (and possibly demolishing) any mosques that terrorists attended, and any/all mosques whose clerics preach any violence, and (3) by seizing some of the assets of the nations that have clerics who continue to preach genocidal violence, or which terrorists come from, or get money from.

That should get their attention. After that, there're the MOABS.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:28 AM

    believe it or not, france already SUMMARILY EXPELS nasty muslim clerics - merely for inciting violence.

    the rest of the west should do the same!
