Monday, July 11, 2005


The sponsors of Jihadoterrorism include some of the wealthiest nations on Earth, and they could have easily BOUGHT a HIGH-RANKING MOLE - just like the USSR did when they bought Hannsen in the FBI and Ames in the CIA, who were each IN CHARGE of the counter-espionage desks.

In other words: we should have been - and still be - looking for moles much higher up the ladder in the FBI and CIA. (I blogged on this HERE.)

A high-ranking mole in each agency - (or SEVERAL MOLES - after all, a few Saudi princes have more cash than the KGB did!) - would most easily explain the extraordinary lapses in each agency in the Jihadoterrorist domain since the 1990's. And Occam's Razor says the simplest explanation is always the best.

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