Tuesday, July 19, 2005

INDIA: America's natural ally and Asian wedge

I have been blogging for a while about how we needed to expand our ties to India in order to be able to put more pressure on China and Pakistan; (HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE). The Bush Adminsiraion is doing JUST THAT:

BUSH: Today, our two nations are bound by our common interests. Our trading partnership has grown dramatically in recent years, which brings greater prosperity and opportunity to citizens of both our countries. America and India also understand the danger of global terrorism, which has brought grief to our nations, and united us in our desire to bring peace and security to the world. Above all, India and the United States are bound together by common values. As two strong, diverse democracies, we share a commitment to the success of multi-ethnic democracy, individual liberty, and the rule of law. And we believe that by spreading the blessings of democracy and freedom, we will ensure lasting peace for our own citizens and for the world.

USATODAY (AP): Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, winning reversal of a longstanding U.S. policy against helping countries develop nuclear programs, is ready to outline for Congress his aspirations for the world's largest democracy. Singh's speech, scheduled for members of the House and Senate Tuesday, marked only the eighth time a foreign leader has addressed Congress in the past five years. Such occasions are typically reserved for the United States' closest allies. "The relationship between our two nations has never been stronger," Bush told Singh on Monday during an elaborate White House welcome, complete with a fife-and-drum corps in full Revolutionary-era regalia.

EXPRESSINDIA: Washington, July 19: Lauding Bush administration's efforts in transforming bilateral ties, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said India's vision of relations with the United States was a long-term and strategic one based on shared values and commitments. "We in India have greatly welcomed the extent to which the present US administration has taken forward efforts to effect a major transformation in relations between the two countries," he said at a luncheon hosted in his honour on Monday. "The refashioning of this bilateral relationship is not merely a matter of diplomatic process. Our vision of relations with the US is a long-term and strategic one, based on shared values and commitments. What we have embarked upon is, therefore, not for tomorrow but I sincerely hope and believe that is for generation to come," Singh said at the luncheon attended by Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.

With India solidly in our camp we can better defend democracy in Asia against Chinese hegemony, (North Korean idiocy), and Jihadism. And this is a coordinated front, with our most important Asian allies - Japan and Australia. (A link above relates how Japan is expanding its bilateral relation with India too.)

1 comment:

  1. how pluralistic is INDIA!?

    dig this:

    the PM is a sikh
    the prez is a muslim
    the chair of the ruling party is aroman catholic (mrs. sonia gandhi)
    the nation is mostly hindu
    but it's also has the 2nd largest muslim population in the world - only indonesia has more muslims.

    plus: the food and music - both pop and trad - are GREAT
    and the women are gorgeous

    india rules.

    they got good beer, too.
