Monday, July 04, 2005


ROGER L. SIMON linked to a poster for a GREAT Janes Cagney movie, YANKEE DOODLE DANDY. (One of my all-time favorites.) Which is sort of a coincidence because I was gona post on that movie today, too! WHY? Because I saw a little bit of it late last night (or the night before) on TV. In fact, just the last scene. The movie closes with Cagney - playing George M. Cohan - the GREAT singer/dancer/producer/song-writer - watching and then joining a parade of soldiers marching off to war while singing one of his songs. THE SONG?


The lyrics are what made me wanna post something on the movie. The CHORUS of the song goes like this:
Over there, over there,
Send the word, send the word over there -
That the Yanks are coming,The Yanks are coming,
The drums rum-tumming ev'rywhere.

So prepare, say a pray'r,
Send the word, send the word to beware.
We'll be over, we're coming over,
And we won't come back till it's over Over There.
"We won't come back till it's over Over There." That was a good motto then, and it's still a good one now. George M. knew it then; George W. knows it now. God Bless Our Troops - EVERYWHERE. God Bless America. HAPPY FOURTH!


  1. KYLE:

    Sure we're a differnt country now -

    1 - we - as a people - generally have more and want to sacrifice less.

    2 - and we have a relatively HUGE Left-wing/Fifth Column - which controls the Academy and the MSM andf the Federal Courts.

    3- and there was NO INCOME TAX THEN.

    But my main point is that you should fight to the finish.

    GHW Bush did NOT in 1991, and that's why we had to now.

    EVEN WORSE THAN BUSH SENIOR: Clinton. BJ Clinton had the WORST respionse to neojihadist terror: he merely sent the FBI in after the 1993 ETC bombing; DITTO the Khobar Towers Bbombing, AND DITTO and the TWO African embassy bombings, AND DITTO the USS Cole bombing.

    What signal did that send the ENEMY? (BTW: I do nopt think "W" instigated ANY of those attacks while he was guv of Texas, did he!?!?)

    We must show resolutenss to the enemy and stay until the job is done.

  2. Anonymous9:11 PM

    How was Iraq tied to the 1993 bombing, the Khobar Towers, the African embassy bombings, and the USS Cole incident?

    Not only is the enemy gaining combat experience against US army, but they are building "street cred" for being able to somewhat successfully engage the US in combat. Global terrorism is up (!!!) and US credibility is at a low.

    The NIMBY approach is short-sighted and self serving, and is hardly a long-term winning strategy.

  3. McCoy - you are a Leftist DUPE. Here's why:

    1 - The terrorists are gaining ZERO experience in iraq, and they have NEVER - not even ONCE - successfully engaged the US military.

    Iraq is their BURYING GROUND, not their "training ground."

    In fact, never has an "indurgency" ever defeated a government. EVER. Not Malaysia, not El Salvador, not Sri Lanka, not Israel, not the UK (in Northern Ireland). NOWHERE.

    In fact, tyhere is widesporead red-on-red fighting now in Iraq (jihadis versus Sunnis), and the Sunnis are joining up with the government.

    2 - 9/11 is related to all the previous FAILURES TO RESPOND ADEQUATELY TO ISLAMIC TERROR. The previous failures to counter-attack against the jihaidis emboldened them; they themselves have said this in their fatwas.
    The failures were bi-partisna: Reagab/Beirut; Bush Sr. in 1991; and Clinton OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

    In a post 9/11 world the USA - in which jihadis are willing to use use any weapon and want to destroy our civilization and kill as many of us as they can - we do NOT have the luxury of "turning the cheek." As Blair had often said, these fanatics are only limited by their means.

    3 - Saddam was in violation of the armistcie which ended the 1991 war, and so a state of war existed - in fact, he wwas attacking our troops nearly everyday as we patrolled the NO FLY ZONE - (these NO FLY ZONES were the only thing which prevented further GENOCIDE of Shias and Kurds by Saddam). Attacks on our troops is an act of WAR. Period.

    4 - The "FLYPAPER STRATEGY" was written about BEFORE MAJOR FIGHTING WAS OVER. Google it. It is better that jihaods are in Iraq than Europe or here or Saudi Arabia or elsewhere.

    5 - Only Leftists such as yourself can give victory to the enemy - by wearing down the resolve of the AMerican people - as Leftists did in the Vietnam era. If we stay the course we will win - and so will all thew Iraqis and most of the Islamic and Arab peoples living under tyranny.

    REMEMBER (as the wise man once said):

    Ben Franklin did not negotitate as settlement with King George III creating the USA; Lincoln and Robert E. Lee didn't end slavery by binding arbitration; Chamberlain did not convince Hitler to stop and allow us to have "PEACE IN OUR TIME."

    War is sometimes the only way to achive important goals.

    The Iraq War is but one campaign is what has been - and will be - a LONG WAR. One whicvh will last GENERATIONS - as the Cold War did.

    It will be a quicker war - with less casulties - if Leftists such as you McCoy - were rooting for the good guys, and stopped doing the bidding of the enemy.



    By "playing up" their attacks into a "quagmire", etc.

    When you do that you play right into their only startegy: wear us down in 5-10 years so we RETREAT.

    Bush will never retreat.
    Kerry would've - as he advocated in Vietnam, and EVERYWHERE ELSE.

    I belive freedom and democracy are worth fighting foir. So did arch-Democrat FDR.

    I suggest ou read his FOUR FREEDOMS speech. Google it. It reads like a NEOCON MANIFETSO.

    FDR was right then, and Bush is right NOW.

    Leave behind your failed, vestigial Leftist ideology and join us.

    You'll find it very LIBERATING!

  4. Anonymous8:15 PM

    It's ironic that you would call anyone a "dupe" in the same post as insisting that "the terrorists are gaining zero experience in Iraq" and that they have never successfully engaged the US military…. Both statements are a rather good illustration of your grip on reality.

    You might also consider checking your history before asserting that an "indurgency" (sic) has never defeated a government. Governments have been overthrown by populist movements (or for that matter, even small groups) time and time again. Insisting the contrary makes you look almost as foolish as the above referenced "altered reality" you seem to have constructed.

    While you're quoting Jihadis, you neglected to mention that they've also claimed over and over again that US foreign policy was a motivating factor behind 9/11. However, instead of addressing the root causes of terrorism and starving fundamentalist terror groups of their recruits, America has given them a recruiting gift they only could have dreamed of. Invading a middle eastern country under what has turned out to be false pretenses has shattered US credibility, left US forces pinned in a conflict that continues to inflict casualties, harmed US military recruitment, damaged foreign alliances, cut the timber out from under the moral high-road, seen Americans calling other Americans "traitors", has seen an increase in global terrorism , has left the 9/11 mastermind(s) at large), and shows no signs of ending any time soon. Wherever he is, Osama and his cohorts are likely praising their luck over what has occurred in the last few years.

    The difference between you and I is that I don't think that "the right" is giving (or will give) victory to the terrorists… America is too strong for that, and terrorism is a fools gambit. But I do think that extremist rants, the vilification of opposing political ideologies, and the attempts to deny any representation to a scant bit less than half of the country weakens it. And giving fundamentalist groups recruiting material will only needlessly mean more terrorism.

    If you cut out cancer with a broadsword instead of a scalpel, you end up doing more damage than you mitigate. Realizing that you're holding the wrong tool is the first step...

  5. 1 - the jihadis all commit suicde or get killed by us forces; they have not own a single battle. EVER.

    2 - sunni "insurgents" are now fighting the jihadis - as they join the interim govt and the contitutional writing process. So: IT'S NEARLY OVER.

    3 - no repeat no as in N.O. insurgents have ever defeated a regular govt. NAME ONE. Malaysia they failed; they failed in israel, northern Ireland; El Salvador; ditto Algeria - and so on and so on.

    by claiming otherwise - and providing no examples ypu prove your ignorance McCoy.

    3 - there has been no increase in global terrorism - justa realistic change in how to count it. BUT BESDIES THAT: counting bodies is NO WAY to keep track of the GWOT - as it wasn;t in WW2; in WW2 more US forces dies after d-day than before, and after the battle of the bulge than before. the fighting usually gets most desperate as the war's end nears and dead-enders fight to the death.

    IN FACT: kamikazis in WW2 did not start until 1945.

    the jihaids cannot beat us; their only hope is if a dove like yopu'd support gets into the White House - or of ther Dems get conmtrol of the Congress.

    AND: McCoy: if you do not stop posting comments here that are filled with lies and distortions and no citiations or links, i will erase them.

    i would erase the one above, except i feel i should give ypu fair warning.


    PS: we did not invade Iraqw under false pretenses. I suggest you actually READ UNSCR#1441 and Bush's speech at the UNGA in 9/02.
    He spelled it ALL out.


  6. McCoy:

    1 - please explain to me what the dozen budhhists beheaded in thailand (in the last month) have to do with bush and rove and iraq?

    2 - please explain what the attack by jihaoids in ayodya india has to do with bush rove iraq - or sionism.

    u can't because they have NOTHIONG to do wioth the USA.

    jihadis have a proactive war plan - have had since 1995.

    to resstablish the caliphate and kill all infidels who try to stop them.

    and to them, infidels includes sufis and shias and hindus and buddists and atheists.

    wake up.
