Sunday, July 31, 2005


BBC: People from certain ethnic groups are more likely to be stopped and searched on London transport after the bombings, British Transport Police (BTP) said. A force spokesman said communities were not being singled out, but police have to "target the people we think may be involved" in bomb attacks. The policy has been supported by Home Office minister Hazel Blears. ... Ms Blears said officers would be acting on descriptions from intelligence sources. ... "It is going to be disproportionate. It is going to be young men, not exclusively, but it may be disproportionate when it comes to ethnic groups," the British Transport spokesman said.

BRAVO! Better to be "politically non-correct" than to allow another attack. SURE: the islamofanatics will find some way to adapt - (by perhaps using Chechens or Bosnians or Filipinos or Thais), but forcing them to adapt (to scramble for new trainees and perp's) is part of how we can keep them off-balance and on the run and on the defensive.

Since 7/7 both Britain and France - led by Sarkozy - seem to be taking the necessary HARSH steps to counter-attack against the jihadoterrorists: using massive CCTV surveilance and adding deportation and racial profiling to their arsenal.

When will the USA get as tough?


  1. Finally some one is using his head and not worrying about being poliitically correct.

  2. The key point is that the fact that the London Tube bombers were Muslim men is not a sociological artifact. They attacked London because of their allegiance to Islamist ideology. There is no way to understand their actions without acknowledging that they did what they did because they thought it was the sort of action that is required by their understanding of Islam. Therefore, to profile young Muslims for searches and interrogations is not based on a sociological phenomenon that is subject to being proved, disproved, or modified by additional data, but simply to recognize who our enemies are. This sort of profiling is actually about as far from ethnic or racial profiling as you can get.
