Saturday, July 02, 2005


This ain't no way to make peace or found a state:

GAZA, July 2 ("Reuters"):
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has invited militant factions, including the Islamic group Hamas, to join his government before an Israeli pullout from the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian Authority official said on Saturday. ... Samir al-Mashrawi, a top Palestinian Authority negotiator, said he had contacted Hamas and other armed groups, by order of the government, to discuss the formation of a unity government whose prime topic on the agenda would be Israel's pullout plan. ... Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurie announced a similar invitation last week but Hamas and Islamic Jihad said they did not respond to it because he had made his comments to reporters rather than to them directly.
The ROADMAP FOR PEACE - which Abbas signed - dictates that the Palestinian Authority must actively make every effort to get the militant groups disarm. What Abbas and Qurie are propsoing is NOT DISARMING TERRORISTS, but capitulating to them. This is a BREECH of the Agreement.

I posted on June 30, that Abbas had to "take on" the terrorists. I meant "take on" to me that he had to CONFRONT them; it seems Abbas has interpreted it differently: Abbas is "taking them into his government."

Pity. There will be no peace and no Palestinian state unless and until the terrorists disarm. Abbas and Qurie either do not have the courage or the desire to do what they must. Allawi and Jafari (and the vast majority of the Iraqi peole) have confronted and are fighting their jihadists. They have more courage in their little pinkies than Abbas and Qurie and all the other so-called "Palestinian moderates" have in their entire bodies.

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