Friday, June 24, 2005


The ultra-conservative mayor of Tehran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has won Iran's presidential election run-off, the interior ministry has confirmed. With the count almost complete Mr Ahmadinejad had won 61% of votes, ahead of the more moderate ex-President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani on 35%. Some 22m people voted, a turnout of 47%, down from 63% in the first round. ... Earlier, supporters of Mr Rafsanjani, a former president, said victory for Mr Ahmadinejad would signal voting fraud. ... As counting got under way, aides to Mr Rafsanjani were quick to assert that a win for Mr Ahmadinejad would confirm systematic voting fraud. "We know that massive irregularities have taken place," Mohammed Atrianfar told Reuters news agency.
Things are sure gonna get interesting now....

Will "RafsanPajami" protest the election? Will the UN (or the OIC) demand a new election (as the UN and EU did in Ukraine)? Will Iranians show the courage of the Lebanese and the Ukrainians and take to the streets and demand a new election? Will "Ah-man-am-i-mad" be able to take office and will this ultra-anti-West leader lead his nation into a military confrontation with the USA and the EU and the UN?


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:47 AM

    In yesterday's edition of the German WELT newspaper, a fine German journalist of Iranian descent reported the following: It is generally whispered in Tehran that Ahmadinejad, in an earlier stage of his "career", personally shot dead a large number of prisoners in the city's infamous Evian prison. That earned him his nickname as "1000 shots man". When confronted with the rumor, Mr. A., the journalist reports, didn't even bother to deny it, but just smiled ruefully.

    Michael, Germany

    P.S. You are running a very insightful blog. Keep up the good work!
