Thursday, June 16, 2005

MORE GOOD NEWS FROM IRAQ: "Sunnis Reach Accord With Shiites on Makeup of Charter Panel"

NYTIMES/By JOHN F. BURNS and TERENCE NEILAN/Published: June 16, 2005
BAGHDAD, Iraq, June 16 - Sunni Arabs reached agreement today with the major Shiite alliance over increased Sunni representation on the committee that will draft the Iraqi constitution. The agreement represented a significant development in the weeks-long political deadlock between the Sunnis and the 55-member committee, and it came after considerable pressure from the United States and the European Union for Iraqis to reach a solution. It also signaled a willingness by the Sunnis, most of whom who refused to take part in the Iraqi elections on Jan. 31, to become more involved in the political process.
Only two (2) groups are UNHAPPY with this news: neojihadists (al Qaeda and the Iranian Mullahs); and Leftists. They'd prefer it if Iraq was an unwinnable quagmire - one they could make the USA abandon (as the Left - in alliance with the Vietcong - did in the case of South Vietnam).

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