Wednesday, June 08, 2005


KYOTO exempts China and the Third World from any emissions limits, instead forcing all the reductiuons in so-called "greenhouse gases" from developed nations. This is why the US SENATE passed a resolution in 1998 - called THE BYRD-HAGEL RESOLUTION and supported by Kerry and 94 other Senators (YUP: it passed 95-0!) - which effectively killed any chance that the USA woud ever become a signatory to KYOTO.

KYOTO is a flawed treaty which does NOT properly address nor would it necessarily reverse "global warming." What is more, there is NO CONCLUSIVE PROOF that "global warming" is man-made - or even really global. In other words KYOTO is a bad treaty which was written to correct a problem which might NOT be needing any correction.

Which is why it's a lot like the EU Constitution - (which is also technically a treaty). The EU Constitution is a treaty which was written poorly and which was intended to correct problems which might not even REALLY exist.

When a terminal illness is MISDIAGNOSED and treated with the wrong medicine, and the medicine is made so poorly that it's poisonous, well then the illness ain't gonna go away and the patient is gonna die. The environazis and the pan-European socialists are - figuratively speaking - each peddling faulty diagnoses and bad medicine.

The voters of France and Holland - like 95 Senators in 1998 - GOT IT! The French and Dutch understood that the EU Constitution Treaty was bad, and rejected it - just as 95 Senators knew that KYOTO sucked.

WHAT'S AHEAD? Well, only after the EU gets rid of its socialists (who are, BTW, also environazis) can they realistically take up writing a new constitution - and DITCH KYOTO and write a new treaty to reduce air pollution by EVERY nation.

UPDATE: WELCOME BASIL'S BLOG READERS! If you aren't one yet - you should be at least three times a day: Basil goes good with meals!

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