Sunday, June 05, 2005


Between the Iraqis and the Palestinians, only one is demonstrating it has the will to succeed as a democracy: IRAQ.

1 - On January 31, the Iraqis went to the polls and voted under circumstances WAY WORSE than any now in Gaza and the West Bank. They DID NOT delay the election; Abbas just has - to some future date "UNKNOWN."

2 - The Iraqis are undertaking to DESTROY their neojihadist "insurgency" while Abbas merely talks to Hamas - quite INNEFECTIVELY at that.

Unless and until Abbas and the Palestinian "moderates" demostrate at least HALF the courage of the Iraqis - and actually confront their neojihadists THEY WILL HAVE NO STATE AND THERE WILL BE NO PEACE.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:43 PM

    NeoJihadis? Are you implying that the Neocons in USA and Alqaida have some kind of working connection? That they are working some how together? That is an idea worth exploring, especially when we all know how close GW is to the corrupt Saudi family.
