Thursday, June 23, 2005


GUARDIAN-UK: Chinese oil firm bullish over Unocal bid -

Thursday June 23, 2005: The state-run Chinese oil company CNOOC today said it was confident of winning a takeover battle for the US firm Unocal with a cash offer of $18.5bn (£10bn). Fu Chengyu, CNOOC's chairman, told Reuters he expected to beat a rival bid from Chevron while maintaining an investment-grade credit rating despite concerns that the acquisition would drive CNOOC into debt.
I hope the US government BLOCKS the sale of a major US oil company to a socialist, state-owned Chinese outfit.

We shouldn't sell to tyrannical socialists for filthy lucre what we defended with our blood.

ASIDE: THIS IS DIFFERENT than if some private Chinese BUSINESSMEN - with NO TIES to the Chinese socialist tyranny - want to buy ANYTHING in the USA.


UPDATE #2: Another reason we shouldn't allow the CHICOMS to buy a US company is BECAUSE THEY DON'T LET PRIVATE U.S. COMPANIES BUY CHINESE COMPANIES - THEY ONLY - REPEAT - ONLY ALLOW FOREIGNERS TO HAVE MINORITY - REPEAT - MINORITY OWNERSHIP OF CHINESE COMPANIES. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I think this is a secondary issue, though; the PRIMARY issue is the fact that it is the CHINESE GOVERNMENT and one of their state-owned companies that wants to purchase UNOCAL. This must NOT be allowed to happen.


  1. Anonymous7:52 AM

    So you want China to buy Unocal? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You really think the Chinese government is going to pay YOU a dividend? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ho, ho! Stop it! Your're killing me! Ha, ha, ho, ho! Why would CNOOC pay dividends? Ha, ha! CNOOC is funded by Chinese TAXPAYERS, not private sector, capitalist INVESTORS, you idiots! Ha, ha, ha. CNOOC doesn't give a DAMN about their stock ratings! Ho, ho, ho! The Chinese don't even pay 0.002% royalties on intellectual properties or patents! Ha,ha, ha! You think you're gonna MAKE money? Ha ha! The second CNOOC takes over Unocal, you're stock isn't worth 2 cents! Ha, ha! Stop it guys, before I wet my pants!

  2. Anonymous11:19 PM

    thanks for the info

  3. Anonymous2:06 AM

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