Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Before the speech ALL the MSM talking heads were touting negative poll numbers on Iraq (as if they weren't mixed, but were uniformly BAD!) and saying that Bush had to give a GREAT speech.

Then Bush delivered a GREAT speech, and ALL the talking heads on the MSM said that speeches don't count; they said "facts on the ground - outside of Bush's control - would determine how the American public feels about Iraq."

Sheesh: can these Left-wingers EVER argue WITHOUT moving the goal-posts!?!?



  1. Anonymous11:36 PM

    when the Leftwing press puts car-bombings in baghdad on page 19, and puts good reviews of Gitmo by a bipartisan Congressional delegation on page 1, then we'll know our Left-wing media ISN'T anti-American.

  2. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Is time to say what need to be say, all those liberals, democrats and independents that do not support GW Bush and our Armed Forces in the War on Terror are knowingly and actively supporting our enemies. Is due time to deal with the enemy from within and rid the Nation of the fifth column that the Jihadis had built in America. We need to establish in the Senate a Committee to investigate any political party, organization, media outlet and individuals that are promoting Anti American propaganda. Those found guilty should be stripped of their citizenship, their properties confiscated and put in prison for the duration of the war. We did that in WW2 and it saved lives.

  3. Anonymous9:45 PM

    The left wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they agreed on anything or even were caught telling the truth.

    I was telling the CSM last night that I wished the President wouldn't leak any of his speachs to the press. Then again, I was hoping he'd pull a Karl Rove too!

  4. In answer to your question:

    "can these Left-wingers EVER argue WITHOUT moving the goal-posts!?!?"

    Of course they can -- when they ignore the rational argument altogether and resort to name-calling, character assassination, and the other tactics of rhetorical legerdemain they use in place of logic.
