Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Yom Hashoah - which begins this evening - commemorates The Holocaust. The Holocaust was but one instance of genocide against the Jewish People. It was an awful one, on a scale that still sickens the soul and boggles the mind of any sane person. The Holocaust murdered ONE THIRD of the Jewish People. But it did not wipe us out. Nothing has. Ever.

“I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
How could these two sentences in The Bible be true if history reflects that in age after age, tyrant after tyrant has attacked the Jews? Because, the Jews survived each genocidal attack, while their attackers have vanished: the Pharoah and his ilk are GONE; the Assyrian Kingdom and its creed - GONE; the Roman Empire and its pantheon is GONE; the NAZIS, Hitler and his 1000 year Reich - dead, and their modern, nihilistic ideology - GONE. And so on.

What is it that makes the Jews able to persist while these "great" empires have vanished? The word of the Lord.

My extended family lost nearly two dozen in The Holocaust. My people lost a third of our brethren. But what has Europe lost?

Perhaps the Europeans too will vanish - just as Byzantium vanished into Turkey, and just as Constantinople - the seat of the Empire - became Istanbul. Perhaps modern Europe - which is fading from political relevance TODAY - will vanish as an outpost of Western Civilization in the near future, as a result of: demographic entropy; their surrender to non-Western non-assimiliating immigrant culture; and their adherence to chic post-war/post-modern versions of nihilistic moral relativism. Europe is fast becoming Eurabia, and when that transformation is complete, then Europe as we have known her for the last two thousand years, will have vanished.

Or, perhaps Pope Benedict 16 -- a German and a Gentile who is a friend to the Jewish People, who has avowed that The Scripture is true, the Mosaic Covenant still valid, and the Jewish People practising an authentic faith of God -- will be able to save Europe. He has said that this is his major mission; it's even why he chose the name he did. The Pope knows exactly who his enemy is: nihilistic moral relativism. If he can undo Europe's nihilistic moral relativism - and get the Europeans to truly repent, to truly turn away from their anti-Semitism and their anti-Zionism - in their streets, and in their homes, and in their Parliaments (which nearly all favor the enemies of Israel), then perhaps Europe will be saved. And Scripture - in this case Genesis 12: 2-3 - once again fulfilled. Either way: Scripture will be fulfilled...

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