Friday, May 20, 2005


From the BBC:
Cuba has expelled two European Union politicians visiting Havana to address a rare pro-democracy conference. ... The pair were due to address a meeting of dissidents opposed to the Communist rule of Cuban President Fidel Castro. The EU, which has called for 61 jailed dissidents to be released, will decide next month whether to impose sanctions against Cuba for human rights abuses. ... Several other EU politicians have been arrested or barred from entering Cuba in recent years, accused of fostering links with dissidents. EU-Cuban relations have been strained since 75 were people were arrested during a crackdown on political opponents in March 2003. The EU imposed sanctions but lifted them when 14 were released last year. Sixty-one still remain in jail.
Totalitarians like Fidel - Mugabe, Chavez, Assad, Kim Jong Il - ARE ALL LEFTISTS and THEY ALL MUST GO!

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