Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Pope Benedict and Schroeder: WILL THERE BE AN ELECTORAL EFFECT?

Pope Benedict has made it clear that he recognizes that a major enemy of the West is relatvism and socialism - IOW: he gerhard Schroeder camp. WIll the Pope weigh in on the lection in some way? Or will his mere presence have an effect?

I think so. I predict a RESOUNDING victory for the Christian Democrats (who are led by Angela "the German Maggie Thatcher" Merkel. I predict that this defeat will be the beginning of what I will call "The Benedict Effect" -- or the beginning of the end of the West's post-modern self-loathing. Here's why - from NO PASARAN:

The Washington Post’s E.J. Dionne writes of Pope Benedict XVI, nee Joseph Ratzinger:

[PB16] developed a mistrust of the left because of the student revolt of the 1960s. He once said that "the 1968 revolution" turned into "a radical attack on human freedom and dignity, a deep threat to all that is human."Addressing fellow cardinals, Dionne reports Cardinal Ratzinger saying: "We are moving," he declared, toward "a dictatorship of relativism …that recognizes nothing definite and leaves only one's own ego and one's own desires as the final measure."The modern world, Ratzinger insisted, has jumped "from one extreme to the other: from Marxism to liberalism, up to libertinism; from collectivism to radical individualism; from atheism to a vague religious mysticism; from agnosticism to syncretism* and on and on."

Gerhard Schroeder and his partner Joschka Fisher are BOTH children of the "1968 revolution" and the current leaders of the parties which are the main promulgators of the evil ideologies which PB16 has stated he must defeat. He will - with Angela Merkel's help!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Nothing like a former member of the Nazi youth to rally against relativism; we know that there was no such thing under his beloved Fuhrer, you were with Adolph or against him, and we know what happened to those that oppose him in his way to power in the 30's. Yeah, relativism is an evil concept for a windbag that promote the concept of “Infallibility". What a joke.
