Wednesday, May 04, 2005


A plan to provide an alternative form of energy in Wisconsin is pitting two sets of environmentalists against each other. Some favor cleaner air, others want to protect nearby wildlife. [...] A Chicago-based energy company wants to build 133 wind turbines ... that could produce enough energy to power 100,000 homes near the city of Fond du Lac. [...] But wildlife enthusiasts oppose the project. The reason? Birds. The turbines may be as close as a mile and a half from the Horicon Marsh, a federally protected wildlife preserve. [...] A state environmental impact report has concluded that not enough evidence is available to say what kind of impact wind turbines could have on bird populations.
This is merely another case of NIMBY - "Not In My Back Yard" - and proves that the Left is really composed of UNREALISTIC UTOPIANISTS. Lefties on Nantucket - like Heinz-Kerry and Cronkite - similarly opposed a wind farm off their coast, because it would spoil their view - NIMBY strikes again, or (IOW): "extra rights for me, but it for thee."

I think it's GREAT and HIGH-LARIOUS that one tyrannical utopianist sect ("save the owl"/PETA-types) is bumping heads with another (the global warming gas-heads). It kind of reminds me of when other Leftists bumped heads: Stalin and Trotsky; and then Hitler and Stalin. It's inevitable of course: in a utopianist world, there's only room for one "god," and it's his way or the highway - or the gulag, or the eastern front.

Both of these tyrannical Greenie Groups have insane basic tenets: one feels that extinction is unnatural and should be repealed, and the other that climate change is unnatural (and man-made) and can be stopped. These Greenie types are IDIOTS: extinction and climate change are as natural and as old as the Earth itself. They can no more be banished from existence than we can banish idiots like them.


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I saw this article earlier, it was a hoot and you're dead on target re the NIMBY reaction.

    I'm no tree hugger, by any means, but I recall stumbling onto a website somewhere out there (a neutral, scientific one too, I think) that did a study and documents all these pelicans, storks, and other big birds getting whacked by those propellers. It was pretty grim.

    There's an easy solution to it all - go nuclear!
