Monday, May 16, 2005


I remember when the Left was anti-Reagan and pro-UNILATERAL DISARMAMENT. The Left argued that nukes were bad - and that the USSR was benign, internationaly - and that Reagan was taking unnecessary and destabilizing steps when he increased defense-spending and ESPECIALLY when he deployed the Pershing nuke missiles in Western Europe, and kept deploying even after HUGE (Left-wing sponsored) protests all over the world!

The Left favored other policies in our relations with the USSR, (whom they did NOT SEE AS AN EVIL EMPIRE - in fact, they thought Reagan was a dangerous simpleton when he said that then, just as they thought that Bush was when he called North Korea and Iran the "AXIS OF EVIL".
The Left favored unilateral disarmament and peace-talks, and other lovey-DOVEY/non-confrontational approaches.

The Left was wrong: Reagan's arms build-up and
Pershing II deployment were two HUGELY IMPORTANT factors in bringing down the USSR (along with the threat of an arms build-up on another front - in SPACE - with SDI, or "STAR WARS).

I also remember that the Left was very VERY anti-Giuliani when he ran against Dinkins; Rudy ran once and lost, and then ran again - AND WON. To the Left, Rudy was a belligerant blow-hard who threatened a USELESS WAR ON CRIME that would use increased police actions and POINTLESS (to the Left) arrests at EVERY level - from turnstile jumpers to "squeegee-men" to purse-snappers, on up to muggers and rapists and murderers. The Left said this was NO WAY to fight crime, that we needed to "GET TO THE ROOT CAUSES of crime: poverty" - as if poor people (who make up 10-15% of the population were somehow more criminal and immoral than rich people, which in my mind is a terrible slander aginst the poor.)

The Left was WRONG AGAIN.
Rudy's get-tough ZERO-TOLERANCE apporach WORKED: Rudy got crime lower and lower and lower until it fell beneath the TIPPING POINT and all but disappeared as a social factor in the City.

Now.... The Left is complaining about "VIGILANTISM" on our border with Mexico - (as if when normal citizens try to get law-enforcement-officials to enforce the law it is sonmehow "dangerous.")

One Lefty "human rights-watchy" Leftist appeared on C-SPAN - JENNIFER ALLEN of BORDER ACTION NETWORK - and she said she and other Left-wing (let's not enforce our laws" groups have SEVERAL LAWSUITS against the federal government and AD HOC citizens groups (like the Minutemen) -- lawsuits which highlight THOUSANDS OF ABUSES OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE ALLEGED BORDER-BUSTING/BORER-IGNORING Mexicans.

And of course - like a GOOD LEFTIST, Ms. Allen said that the laws are no good and that VIGILANTISM would NEVER WORKS ANYHOW.

Where I have I heard this "let's go-soft" - NAY: LET'S APPEASE AND CAPITULATE - policy before???? LET ME SEE.... OH YES, IT'S STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR THE LEFT: "let's surrender to our enemies."

I say: the Left's policy of appeasement and capitulation failed with the USSR - and with Reagan's leadership we became HAWKISH; it WORKED; WE WON! I say the Left's policies failed in regard to CRIME IN NYC - and that under Rudy's leadership the city instituted more HAWKISH policies; it WORKED AND WE WON!

And, I say that The Minutemen have PROVEN that ENFORCING our border and our ANTI-ILLEGAL immigrtation laws works, too. Illegal immigration has HALTED in areas they patroled.

BOTTOM-LINE: not only are Leftist policies IMMORAL (because they advocate appeasement to evil forces, and/or because the Left denies that evil forces even exist), but THEIR POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

Getting tough with our adversaries - and enforcing laws (which are passed in a DEMOCRATIC MANNER IN A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY!) is not only right - AND MORAL - IT WORKS!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    DAMN! Man you nailed it.
    C. Benson
