Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I'm watching the Senate rule change debate on C-SPAN.

Leahy has just charged that Bush is trying to "pack the court." BS!

Leahy then went on to say that the Senate has already confirmed about 270 Bush nominees, and are only holding up 5.

WELL: HOW COULD 5 NOMINEES AMOUNT TO PACKING THE COURT?! It's pure demagoguery. These five nominees cannot possibly change the character of ANY court to which they are appointed.

Then Leahy charged that the GOP is hyping the crisis and dangerously employing the "nuclear option." But the GOP is merely changing Senate cloture rules which the Dems changed 5 times - three times when Byrd himself was leader. The number of votes required to invoke cloture has been reduced before. It is NOT "nuclear." Charging that it is "nuclear" is HYPERBOLE AND DEMOGOGIC!

And then Leahy called the GOP contemptible McCarthyites. Which is yet another example of OUTRAGEOUS DEMOGOGUERY.

It's the Dems and demagogic jerks like Leahy who've fomented this crisis and who are HYPERBOLIZING the crisis.

Now that HOMUNCULUS Durbin is admonishing Frist and the GOP for using hyperbole. WHAT HYPOCRISY!

UPDATE: The INVALUABLE MALKIN is NUCLEAR OPTION central - CHECK HER OUT! And WELCOME Malkin readers; please check out a few other FRESH posts while they're still wamr!

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