Tuesday, May 24, 2005

HOPEFUL NEWS ITEMS... we'll wait and see...

2 - WASHINGTON - President Bush will insist at a White House meeting with Mahmoud Abbas this week that the Palestinian leader dismantle all terrorist networks in Palestinian areas, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said yesterday.

3 - TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's hardline Guardian Council watchdog on Tuesday reversed its ban on two reformists excluded from presidential elections on June 17, defusing a row which had sparked some calls for a boycott of the vote.

These four AIN'T "good news"... YET! Schroeder MUST lose; Abbas MUST disarm the neojihadists; the Iranian people must democratically overthrow their theocratic totalitarian regime; and France must vote down the EU "Constitution."

It might be more likely that someone find the Ark of the Covenant than ALL these four things happen. I'll pray for ALL FIVE!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    You are so concerned about what happens in other countries that you forget about America. If you don't know , we have problems here, and playing World Police won't solve any of them.
