Sunday, May 22, 2005



German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder says he wants a general election this autumn - a year early - after his party lost a key powerbase in local polls. Mr Schroeder made the announcement after his Social Democrats (SPD) lost the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, which they had held for 39 years. [...] Mr Schroeder's Social Democrat-led government not only lost its traditional powerbase on Sunday, but it now has so few seats in the upper house of parliament that its ability to actively govern is massively diminished, our correspondent says.
The Socialists are losing because running on anti-Americanism can only take you so far. And their socialist policies have, of course, FAILED to accomplish what they set out to; in fact they've only made things WORSE.

If the Germans bring back the Christian Democrats to lead the national government - and if France defeats the EU constitutional referendum (as is now likely), and if Pope B16 can revitalize Christianity in Europe - then there is hope for Europe.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Hell no, I'll shoot that darn Pope if it starts looking like the Catholic church is getting more power. We've spent hundreds of years trying to get rid of religion, and now we're supposed to strenghten it to have a hope for Europe? Screw religion, it has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Because the overpopulated poor countries and France are Catholic, a Hitler Jugend-Poop will make religion go away, rather than turn into a fanatical, government-lead "in God we trust"-nonsense.
