Sunday, May 08, 2005

"THE BOOMERANG EFFECT" - another idiotic Left-wing fantasy

The Left-wing commonly accuses Bush and his adminsitration of exacerbating the GWOT - and tensions between the USA and Iran and the USA and North Korea - by going on the offensive, and by BEING offensive (at least using inflammatory/offensive speech).

Famous among these charges is the constant refrain from the Left that Bush's "AXIS OF EVIL" speech has a BOOMERANG EFFECT because they claim it incited Iran and North Korea to BECOME INCREASINGLY enemical to the USA and to start and speed-up their ILLEGAL and surreptitious nuclear weapons programs. The Left also charges that Bush's "IRAQ/OIL WAR" has had a BOOMERANG EFFECT and has increased terror and decreased stability.

This attack by the Left on Bush reveals a few SALIENT things about the Left: (1) they prize stability over any tumult even if the tumult may be the only weay to get positive change; (2) they would use appeasement to avoid any tumult or temporary instability; (3) they believe our self-confessed enemies (like the neojihadists and Iran and North Korea) have agendas and strategies which are only REACTIVE, and that these self-avowed enemies have no PROACTIVE agenda or strategy to use terror, force, and "nuclear blackmail," (etc.) in order to advance their aims.

I think that reality proves that these Left-wing assumptions or presuppositions are flatly wrong:

(A) North Korea was cheating on "Clinton watch" (byu enriching uranium) in order to make bombs. This cheating occurred BEFORE the "Axis of Evil" speech. (B) Iran has LONG been a state sponsor of international neojihadist terrorists - who have attacked the USA repeatedly, INCLUDING DURING THE REAGAN ADMINSTRATION. (C) And Saddam OPENLY sponsored neojihadist terror by neojihadist Arabs against Israel; now that Saddam is in jail - (awaiting trial for GENOCIDE, among other things) - Iraq sponsors NO TERRORISM and has instead becoma a battlegorund which itself ATTRACTS neojihadists (MOST of whom are murdering fellow Muslims); since the LAW OF PHYSICS says that a person cannot be in two places at the same time, EVERYONE of the neojihadist terrorists in Iraq is one fewer neojihadist terrorist that can attack the West in Israel, Europe or the USA. And (D), though the tumultuous transition to democracy in Iraq is deadly, it is still a lesser target of neojihadist terror than India and Kashmir - where neojihadists are killing Hindus and other Muslims who have nothing to do with either Bush or Israel or the Likud or Neoconservatism or Oil or Skull & Bones!

The forward-leaning/assertive/aggressive/militaristic startegy of the Bush Administration is an abrupt change from the preceding policy - of appeasement and containment (vis avis the USSR and neojihadism). This abrupt changes was necessitated by 9/11; this is something that Bush fully and openly explicated in numerous speaches and addresses including at West Point, in his "SOTU's" and Congressional addresses since 9/22/2001 and at the UN in 2001, 2002, 2003. (GOOGLE'EM YOUSELF IF YOU DOUBT ME!)
And Bush has reiterated - this week in Latvia - that the USA will NOT REPEAT THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST: as when we gave away eastern Europe to 50 years of Stalinist tyranny. That was appeasement; that was a cop-out; that was morally wrong; that was a HUGE strategic error.

Evil should be confronted - and fought - everywhere. Our enemies should be attacked, and counter-attacked - EVERYWHERE. And complaining that we are less safe now because we are COUNTER-ATTACKING as repellant to VERYONE now as it would have been in 1944 if someone complainied that "US casualties were higher in 1944 than 1943 and higher then than in 1942 and that this was higher than in 1941 - SO we shouldn't have gone to war against the Axis."

Our safety ultimately depends on our VICTORY becuase our enemies have motivations which are independent of us and our counter-measures. Making our enemies less numerous and less threratening over tinme REQUIRES that we kill or capture and bring to justice as many of them as we can WHEREVER they are, and that OVER TIME we reduce theior ability to recruit by dealiong with the UNDELYING ISSUES: lack of democracy in the Muslim world. Promiting democracy in the Muslim world will take years - if not decades and generations, therefore - since there are thosuands of neojihadists who want to kill us and blackmail us and make us subservient to them NOW, we must counter-attack with FORCE.

The "BOOMERANG EFFECT" argument fails to take into account the fact that the neojiahdists (and Kim Jiong Il) have self-interests and aims which are independent of ANY ACTIONS we take.

IN FACT, if we followed the Left-wing lunacy of appeasement and gave into the neojiadists and Iran and North Korea "peacefully" and buy short-term "peace" it would only reward there terror and illegal attemopts to gainm nuclear weapons with which to blackmail us - and therefore incite more neojiahdist terror. IN OTHER WORDS: the Left's policies - the failed polcies of the past, and not Bush's policies - would be the ones that would REALLY cause a BOOMERANG EFFECT.

1 comment:

  1. To the OP:

    Die painfully okay? Prefearbly by getting crushed to death in a
    garbage compactor, by getting your face cut to ribbons with a
    pocketknife, your head cracked open with a baseball bat, your stomach
    sliced open and your entrails spilled out, and your eyeballs ripped
    out of their sockets. Fucking bitch

    I would love to kick you hard in the face, breaking it. Then I'd cut
    your stomach open with a chainsaw, exposing your intestines. Then I'd
    cut your windpipe in two with a boxcutter. Then I'd tie you to the
    back of a pickup truck, and drag you, until your useless fucking
    corpse was torn to a million fucking useless, bloody, and gory pieces.

    Hopefully you'll get what's coming to you. Fucking bitch

    I really hope that you get curb-stomped. It'd be hilarious to see you
    begging for help, and then someone stomps on the back of your head,
    leaving you to die in horrible, agonizing pain. *beep*
